Nothing can erase the pain of losing someone you love,you carry it with you for the rest of your life,however long that might be. The best you can hope for is that over time the wound begins to heal.But no matter how strong we are,no matter how hard we fight, the scar always stays with us.
Were you ever really alive ?
May you living in interesting times.


又名:不朽法医 / 永恒

主演:艾恩·格拉法德 Ioan Gruffudd/阿兰娜·德拉·伽兹 Alana De La Garza/乔·大卫·摩尔 Joel David Moore/贾德·赫希 Judd Hirsch/麦肯泽·毛祖 Mackenzie Mauzy/芭芭拉·伊芙·哈里斯 Barbara Eve Harris/约翰·诺贝尔 John Noble

导演:布拉德·安德森 Brad Anderson编剧:马修·米勒 Matthew Miller

