My fav part is after Guy "woke up", Adam and Eve style, he was being rewarded for doing good things. Even though the good deeds were not permanent - the guy he put out of the fire for got shot immediately afterwards in - there was no permanent harsh punishment toward his actions other than being sent back to his spawning point.

Also, when he stopped a robber and told the lady npc, that she can choose someone better than that, and she responded "Or maybe I don't have to be with any guy."

Then Chris Evans reacting to the cap american shield, followed with Hulk fist starts array of thoughts in my head "Do they have a license to do that?" lol. Then I noticed Disney is involved, of course they do. But seriously, a portal gun? The best part is that Guy didn't win by brutal force, he opened up Dude's eyes to a new world of possibilities. I remember somewhere once said(can't remember where), we argue and fight because we want to settle our differences and come to an agreed shared understanding.

Lastly, the movie is fun and colorful in many ways. It's packed in so many references as if it's trying to summerize current pop culture. Which makes it a great summer break or any holiday movie. Just enjoy the fun.

失控玩家Free Guy(2021)

又名:分身人 / 爆机自由仁(港) / 脱稿玩家(台) / 自由之人 / 自由人

上映日期:2021-08-27(中国大陆) / 2021-08-10(洛迦诺电影节) / 2021-08-13(美国)片长:115分钟

主演:瑞安·雷诺兹 / 朱迪·科默 / 乔·基瑞 / 里尔·莱尔·哈瓦瑞 / 塔伊加·维迪提 / 乌特卡什·安邦德卡尔 / 查宁·塔图姆 / 休·杰克曼 / 道恩·强森 / 克里斯·埃文斯 / 约翰·卡拉辛斯基 / 蒂娜·菲 / 卡米尔·科斯塔克 / 布丽特妮·欧德福特 / 肯尼斯·以色列 / 亚历克斯·崔贝克 / 劳拉·斯宾塞 / 马修·卡德罗普 / 迈克尔·陶 / 野村祐人 / Raj Jawa / 何塞·冈斯·阿尔维斯 / 欧文·伯克 / 加布里埃尔·洛莱斯 / 雷吉纳·托芬 / 珍妮尔·费格利 / 泰特·弗莱彻 / 香农·哈特曼 / 金伯利·豪威 / Mark Lainer / Mike Devine / 亚伦·W·里德 / Sophie Levy / Vernon Scott / Naheem Garcia / 

导演:肖恩·利维 / 编剧:马特·利伯曼 Matt Lieberman
