
又名:Angry Kid: Bone

上映日期:1999-01(英国) / 2001-10-24(乌普萨拉国际短片电影节)片长:1分钟

主演:David Holt 戴伦·沃尔什 

导演:戴伦·沃尔什 / 编剧:Mike Cooper/Ian Dagger/Darren Walsh


Plot Summary:The Angry Kid is out on his bicycle, taking one hand off the handlebars, then the other, then both. He takes a bad fall, and when he picks himself up, one of his arm bones is sticking bare through his shirt at the elbow. A stray dog comes leaping into the frame and makes a grab for the bone. A dogfight ensues and the Kid may need to tap into his own animal instincts to save his arm.
From the Angry Kid series comes 'Bone', one of the funniest short movie from the series. In this one the kid is riding his bicycle and falls. A bone is sticking out of his arm and a dog tries toget it.   This short is hilarious from start to finish. Definitely not a wasted minute of my life.


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大量成人内容的系列"儿童"动画 采用特别的拍摄方法,以真人配合面具化妆的定格动画 在人物动作方面当然