雪中一吻Kysset som fikk snøen til å smelte(1997)

又名:A Kiss in the Snow / Ein Kuss im Schnee


主演:Kristian Dale Hakkelberg Stian Barsnes Simonsen Silje Andresen 

导演:Frank Mosvold / 编剧:Tor Fretheim


Plot Summary:When a new boy moves into the area Cecilie and Peter's friendship is changed.
Teenagers can be experts at talking circles around what’s really on their minds. It is usually the weighted spaces between those words that speak volumes, as they do in "A Kiss In The Snow". Mosvold’s young characters pull the common teen angst of sexual awakening into the much less familiar territory of same-sex attraction.


沉睡之森 • 雪中一吻

青涩的初恋。“我其实不想做她的朋友...我想做你的...” 北欧美少年超萌的... 好多次他们俩