I love New Wave movies, as they are different, audacious and even absurd. Filmmakers are going beyond conventional formations and views to express and create.
Jules and Jim is about love, but challenging everything we've known about it.
Jules and Jim, the eponymous characters, were friends. They shared same interests among poetry, language and women. They both fell in love with a girl named Catherine.
Jules married Catherine and had a daughter with her, however they didn't continue to live as a family. Jules' love towards Catherine, is not the kind portrayed in a traditional love story. He still loved and yearned for Catherine while she's having numerous affairs with other men. Jules even advised Jim to marry Catherine as long as it would make her stay. What he wanted, was her participation in his life, or perhaps merely her presence. Monogamy was just an idea, and it was optional in terms of Jules' persuasion.
Catherine's love was more experimental, and purely out of natural curiosity. It's like she's exploring herself in relationships with different men. She was never satisfied with one relationship as she wanted nothing but the pursuit of love itself.
Jules and Jim loved each other, as friends. Their friendship remained despite of the war and Catherine. They reaped happiness from trivial things in their shared life. Ironically, the one non-sexual relationship was the most rewarding one.
Love is a fluid thing, as exactly Jules and Jim showed us. It can be of various forms and it is not necessarily linked with marriage, family, reproduction or anything practical in life. It is fluid because it is imagined, and it can be imagined in many different ways.
"We played with life and lost." No matter how we imagine it, it won't be a truth that stands forever.
Like said in the movie:
"Either it's raining or I am dreaming."
"Maybe it’s both."

祖与占Jules et Jim(1962)

又名:朱尔与吉姆 / 朱尔和吉姆 / 夏日之恋(台) / Jules and Jim


主演:让娜·莫罗 / 奥斯卡·威内尔 / 亨利·赛尔 / 万娜·乌尔比诺 / Serge Rezvani / 阿妮·内尔森 / 萨比娜·奥德潘 / 玛丽·杜布瓦 / 米歇尔·索博 / 

导演:弗朗索瓦·特吕弗 / 编剧:François Truffaut/Jean Gruault/Henri-Pierre Roché

