主要从三个方面联系《祖与占》和《堂吉诃德》。一、被称为three idiots的三人与被认为疯癫的堂吉诃德主仆;二、在《堂吉诃德上部》第六章中“神父和剃头师傅在我们那匪夷所思的 绅士家书房里进行有趣的大清查”,即烧骑士文学,与电影院纳粹烧书;三、有两位妻子的悲伤皇帝与电影中状况的一致,以及塞万提斯在描述任性多变而美丽的女性时,用统治中国的皇后来借指。(课堂作业糟糕英语)
When i watched the movie, i noticed that Jules and Jim was called Don Quixote and Sancho Panza at the beginning and the end.I am curious about this appellation, so l’d like to share my ideas on this story and Nouvelle Vague,a movement which is also called French New Wave.
What is Nouvelle Vague?It is a French film movement emerged in 1950s and 1960s,the filmmakers rejected traditional film conventions,and adapt safe literature into Films. Francois Truffaut argued in Cahiers du cinémathat“cinema was in the progress of becoming a new means of expression on the same level as painting and novel……a form in which and by which an artist can express his thoughts”.The film featured unexpected and unprecedented method of expression such as long tracking shots and existential themes such as human existence.
<Jules et Jim> is adapted by Henri-Pierre Roché’s autobiography, a presentation of a bold and unrestrained atmosphere at the beginning of the century in Paris.Jules and Jim are zealous in literature,both of them have a kind of intimacy with different women and fall in love with Caitlin.They have intricate relationship which seems immoral.For example Jules sacrificed himself to retain Caitlin without jealousy.They are called three idiots in the movie which reminds me of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza by Cervantes,whoever they met in the novel,people redeemed Don Quixote as mad and idiotic unanimously. The common points of novel and film demonstrated that there is a conflict between ideality and reality.
Book burning is a common scene in movie and novel.In the sixth chapter of the novel <Don Quixote>,the priest,the barber and Don Quixote’s niece decided to burn the chivalric literature which made Don Quixote indulged in unrealistic fantasy.While in the film at one hour and fourteen,three people happened to see the same movie,and the screen showed Nazis throwing banned books into bonfires.While in history the book burnings happened in 1933,books burned by students or Nazis were viewed as subversive or representing ideologies apposed to Nazism.Wiping out un-German spirit aimed at purifying German language and literature,which is a symbol of irrationality and regime’s repression. By the way,The fiction <Fahrenheit 451> was also adapted by the filmmaker Truffaunt,which condemned regime for impeding the circulating of classic works.
When it comes to Caitlin,she is a mixture of egoism,idealism and intangible beauty,playing a role as an iconic woman who pursuits freedom and proclaims to live a new life opposite from mundane life,regardless of the moral rules.In comparison,there are other female characters in the movie,Thérèse had intimacy with different man,while Dennis submit to man,they were all deprived of their own control of life.In the movie,Jules said that “different things are endowed with different gender,representing different values .War, death and the moon are masculine,the sun and love are feminine”.Caitlin pursuit the ideal love,bored with being defined as invariable identity,being a wife or a mother or a lover doen’t satisfy her.At an hour and twenty four in the film,we all remember the dialogue the unhappy king with two wives, the analogy of Chinese emperor demonstrated that Caitlin is the person who dominated the relationship but suffered from betray and heartbroken.It is also interesting to find that in <Don Quixote> Cervantes describe a woman who is capricious and beauty as the queen who govern China.
All in all,two themes Truffaut used to apply is “education”and “art”.<Don Quixote> also teach us a lesson which explains the gap between reality and ideality, responsibility and freedom,marriage and pure love,that is the same in the context of social and economic troubles of a post-World War 2 France.

祖与占Jules et Jim(1962)

又名:朱尔与吉姆 / 朱尔和吉姆 / 夏日之恋(台) / Jules and Jim


主演:让娜·莫罗 / 奥斯卡·威内尔 / 亨利·赛尔 / 万娜·乌尔比诺 / Serge Rezvani / 阿妮·内尔森 / 萨比娜·奥德潘 / 玛丽·杜布瓦 / 米歇尔·索博 / 

导演:弗朗索瓦·特吕弗 / 编剧:François Truffaut/Jean Gruault/Henri-Pierre Roché

