Tchangalo----You’re looking for what?
Zingarina----For love.
Tchangalo---à l’amour.

Tchangalo ---“What’s that?” He said and pointed the eye drawn on her palm.
Zingarina ---“Protection.” She held high her hand and said.

She is such a woman.
She travelled all over Transylvania with her best friend Marie to look for a man, the man she met in France.
He was kicked out.
And she found out that she was 2 months pregnant.

In the “Hérode”, she found him, but he told her that he wasn’t kicked out, he ran away from her and he don’t love her, he don’t need her.
“Don’t follow me” he said while pushing her down to the ground, and he turn around to leave.

“Musiciens, Jouez moi un air sombre
Où se noie et plonge mon âme ”
(“Musician, play me…A tune sad and slow
Which my soul can dive into and drown”
She stood up and sang.

She lost her love and lost in the carnival. She cried on the stranger’s shoulder, she yelled in the carnival parade.

In the club, throwing the dishes while dancing with the music named "Tchiki Tchiki", she gave full vent to her sorrow and despair.

She turning and turning again along the wall with the music even when she is on the road.

She leaved Marie and followed a waif named Vandana.

"Je l'aime plus que ma vie. Mon coeur est malheureux.
Je regarde avec envie. Ceux qui ont de la chance.
Ceux qui sont heureux de vivre
Donnez nous un brin de paille pour mettre le feu au monde."
(I love him more than my life.My heart is sad.
I watch in envy those lucky enough
to be happy with there lives
Give me a bundle of twigs to set the world on fire.

She and the waif met he, Tchangalo, again.
He laughed wildly.
” L’amour ! ”
“Ha ha ha ha ha ha~~~~”

But the little waif leaved her finally. She called out the child but the child still run away.
She said:”I don’t wanna lose her.”
Tchangalo said:”She doesn’t need you. She is grown up in the street. She is free.”
She said:”My heart hurts. ”

She lost again.
But he brought her with him on his way.
He was a trader. He travelled all over the South-East Europe and bought the valuable things in a cheap price from local people.
She yelled, ran and rolled in the woods.
She’s sick in her heart.
He brought her to a priest to cure her.

She sobered up and started off with him.
She dressed as a Gypsy.
I think although she is not a gypsy but she has the essence of gypsy---- rebel, sensitive, strong but fragile.

He asked her: Who are you? I cannot figure out where you come from and what you’ve done to end up here.
“Imagine anything you like. I’ve done it.”

They never slept in the hotel because he could not stand the wall. He like free so much.

Once she drank. He threw her bottle away.
“Gypsy my ass!”
“Fuck you! What the shit! Leave me the fuck alone! What the fuck!
Come on! Motherfucker! ”

“Come on! We’ll make a rusty on this nice parking placed. Come on, moves. ”
“Come on! Come on! You fucking piece of shit. ”
They fight.

“You wanna gypsy my ass? I gatta gypsy your ass.”
“Come on, give it to me.”
“I’ll give it.”
“Come on!”
They fucked.

She opened her mouth wildly.
“You like it?”
But she looked nervous.
“Don’t move…”
(Hahahaha….hahahaha… I cannot help laughing out at that part.)

Once they saw a old man looked like to be a halt. They took him. But their car doesn’t fit in the old man’s bike. So she rode it and let the old man take the car.
She sang on the bike:“Onward the masses. To the rescue. The red flag will triumph. Long live communism and freedom!”
“I’m seventy-five, and I never saw a Gypsy on a bike.” the old man said.
It’s so funny. I like this part very much, too.

They travelled, Feeling at ease whatever the circumstances.

When she was giving birth to a child, they were in a snowfield.
He could not found a doctor just found some local women to deliver for her.
She yelled during the course of the born “Tchangalo, where are you? Don’t leave me here. Come over here or I’ll fucking kill you!”
He found himself worrying her so much that he cannot stand his worry even.
He loved his free so much that he cannot give up it for love. He didn’t allow himself to fall in love with anyone.
So he leaved her at a friend’s home. She stood at the window and looked at him outside as if she knew what he was thinking of and knew he gatta leave her.

My favorite part of this film is he leaved her and then looked for some musicians to play for him near a tree in the snowfield.
He drank much beer.
He, catching her gypsy scarf in his one hand and bottle in another, yelled “Get out! Get out!” while dancing.
(I knew he is asking her to get out from his heart, his soul, and his mind.)
Then he covered his head with the scarf and beat his head by the empty bottles of beer.
And I saw he dawn her protection, the special eye, on the tree.

This part is so real. A struggle in his mind is so real and so touch.

Then when he drank in the pub, he saw a bear doll. He remembered that day they met the bear.
He realized that he couldn’t escape from the miss and the love.
So he bought the doll and came back to look for her.
He finally found her.

They all found love in this travel of seeking love.

Love defeat free.
Or I’ll say you own love then you own free too.

I love the film very much. It’s so Gypsy. I also love the soundtrack.That is so Gypsy too.I download all of the soundtrack.
J'aime la Gypsy.
My favorite soundtrack of this film is 「Tchiki Tchiki」.

Ps: (「Tchiki Tchiki」 Lyric )
Adjatok egy szalmaszálat,
Égessem el a világot!
Adjatok egy szalmaszálat,
Hadd fújjam fel ezt a házat!
Lábam termett a táncra,
Szemem a kacsintásra.
Ha táncolok, szikrát szórok,
A világra fittyet hányok!

refrain (romani lovari, et français)
Aj Chiki-Chiki, aj ke te merav! [x3]
Me zhanav, me ka zhivav.
Aj Chiki-Chiki, il m'appelle comme ça,
Aj Chiki-Chiki, il meurt pour moi,
Aj Chiki-Chiki, il m'appelle comme ça,
Avec moi il va où je veux.
Vesz ő nékem selyemruhát,
Gyöngyöt, láncot, piros szoknyát,
Reám költi a vagyonát,
Lopja-lopja édesanyját,
Bolondítom, hevítem,
Kiáltozza a nevem,
Csiki-Csiki, így hív engem.
Megöllek én, szép szerelmem!
Aj Chiki-Chiki [x3]
Aj Chiki-Chiki [x3]
Lábam termett a táncra, ...
Bolondítom, hevítem, ...


又名:特兰西瓦尼亚 / 寻爱之路


主演:Asia Argento/Amira Casar/Birol Ünel

导演:Tony Gatlif编剧:Tony Gatlif