鲍勃·拉扎:51区和飞碟Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers(2018)


主演:Bob Lazar George Knapp Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell 

导演:Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell / 编剧:Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell


Plot Summary:Former Government physicist Bob Lazar made headlines world-wide in 1989 when he came forward with his account of reverse-engineering an alien spacecraft for the US Military. The reason the public even knows the name Area 51 is because Lazar came forward about the work he did at the formerly secret military base. His testimony remains the most controversial and important UFO story of all time. This film intimately chronicles the challenges and travails of a cosmic whistleblower. Burdened with a revolutionary secret, he had to choose between his oath to his country or his conscience. Corbell's film will explore Lazar's groundbreaking claims and the devastating impact it has had on his life over the course of the last thirty years, including rare and never before revealed footage guaranteed to alter the landscape of the debate. He blew the whistle, shocked the world, then went silent - until now.
In 1989, physicist Bob Lazar broke the story of Area 51 and the US government's work on alien spacecrafts. He blew the whistle, shocked the world, then went silent - until now.


睡眠兄弟 • Bob Lazar:不得不说的秘密

---------Bob Lazar的传奇之旅--------- Bob Lazar(1959- )

Woody_Sinbad • 证伪比证明难

如果Bob一直以来说的是谎话的话,那么他可以称得上是最近几十年来影响力最大的骗子之一了。 本片其实5

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gucci kn • 5星评价

刚看完这部片子,庆幸有中字,不评价拍摄手法咋样,单纯的用故事吸引你不想放过任何一句话的往下看。 最后