人类经验The Human Experience(2008)


主演:Jeffrey Azize Clifford Azize Michael Campo 

导演:Charles Kinnane / 编剧:Michael Campo


Plot Summary:The story of a band of brothers who travel the world in search of the answers to the burning questions: Who am I? Who is Man? Why do we search for meaning? Their journey brings them into the middle of the lives of the homeless on the streets of New York City, the orphans and disabled children of Peru, and the abandoned lepers in the forests of Ghana, Africa. What the young men discover changes them forever. Through one on one interviews and real life encounters, the brothers are awakened to the beauty of the human person and the resilience of the human spirit.


eski.z • 两个人,三个城市, 找寻生命的意义

活着是为了什么? 谁都曾抱怨过生活吧?生命中不止有开心、幸福的事,更免不了挫折和痛苦。看看这些人,看