时代之心The Hearts of Age(1934)


主演:William Vance 奥逊·威尔斯 Virginia Nicholson Paul Edgerton 

导演:William Vance / 奥逊·威尔斯 / 编剧:奥逊·威尔斯 Orson Welles


Plot Summary:A colonial scene in the U.S. An old lady sits astride a bell while a man in blackface, wig, and livery pulls the bell rope. From an upper door emerges an old man, dressed as a dandy, who tips his hat to the woman as he walks down stairs grinning. Others leave the same door and walk down the same stairs: a shabby man, a cop, and, several times, the same dandy. The man in blackface hangs himself; the dandy continues to smile. A bell tolls, a grave beckons. In the dark, the dandy plays the piano. Is he Death?


woodfishman • 来自http://www.sensesofcinema.com的评论,稍后翻译

The legend of Orson Welles holds that he knew