不莱梅咖啡Bremer Freiheit(1972)


主演:玛吉特·卡斯滕森 沃尔夫冈·申克 沃尔夫冈·基林 

导演:赖纳·维尔纳·法斯宾德 / 编剧:赖纳·维尔纳·法斯宾德 Rainer Werner Fassbinder/迪特里希·罗曼 Dietrich Lohmann


Plot Summary:A very stylized TV version of the Fassbinder play. The set consists of a few pieces of furniture in front of a large screen on which coastal scenery is back projected. Geesche is a nineteenth century woman who wants to have a mind of her own. She defies convention and will do anything to achieve her freedom from oppression by her family and friends.


李小说 • 多少还是挂了点勾

昏昏欲睡的状态下看了此片,说实话,不是很懂,但多少还是挂了点勾。 刚好我是逃了舞台美