大海捞针: 张益唐与孪生素数猜想Counting from Infinity: Yitang Zhang and the Twin Prime Conjecture(2015)


主演:张益唐 陶哲轩 

导演:George Paul Csicsery / 

大海捞针: 张益唐与孪生素数猜想:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In April 2013, a lecturer at the University of New Hampshire submitted a paper to the Annals of Mathematics. Within weeks word spread-- a little-known mathematician, with no permanent job, working in complete isolation had made an important breakthrough towards solving the Twin Prime Conjecture. Yitang Zhang's techniques for bounding the gaps between primes soon led to rapid progress by the Polymath Group, and a further innovation by James Maynard. The film is a study of Zhang's rise from obscurity and a disadvantaged youth to mathematical celebrity. The story of quiet perseverance amidst adversity, and Zhang's preference for thinking and working in solitude, is interwoven with a history of the Twin Prime Conjecture as told by several mathematicians, many of whom have wrestled with this enormously challenging problem in Number Theory-- Daniel Goldston, Kannan Soundararajan, Andrew Granville, Peter Sarnak, Enrico Bombieri, James Maynard, Nicholas Katz, David Eisenbud, Ken Ribet, and ...

大海捞针: 张益唐与孪生素数猜想的影评列表

仟仟 • 享受孤独、享受思考、享受自由

并不了解数学,偶然在某本数学书中看到了张益唐的介绍,于是找到了纪录片来看。 在看这部纪录片之前,我看

=3~~~*・゜゚・*:.。 • 做研究能成功的几个因素


已注销 • 不世出者,张益唐也

不世出者,张益唐也 华裔数学家张益唐今年暑假受中国科学院之邀回国讲学,临走时在清华开了两场公开

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影片出品人MSRI (Mathematical Sciences Research Institu

CRISPR/Cas9 • 抢个沙发
