(MV<さよなら銀河鉄道999 -アンドロメダ终着駅-> ED )

Sayonara, sweet memories
It’s good bye
Sayonara, don’t look back
don’t ask why
The time to come will come
and you will go alone
Keep to your heart

And so my friend, now it must end
now you are grown
I can’t stay on, think of the memories we’ve known
Carefully feeling your way
You’re getting stronger each day
How can I find words to say
I’ll miss you

Sayonara, sweet memories
It’s good bye
Sayonara, don’t look back
don’t ask why
the time to come will come
and you will go alone
Keep to your heart

Carefully feeling your way
You’re getting stronger each day
How can I find words to say
I’ll miss you

Sayonara sweet memories
It’s good bye
Sayonara, don’t look back
don’t ask why
the time to come will come
and you will go alone
Keep to your heart

the time to come will come
and you will go alone
Keep to your heart
Sayonara AH~~~


又名:Ginga tetsudô Three-Nine / Galaxy Express 999 / Galaxy Express 999: The Signature Edition

上映日期:1979-08-04(日本) / 1981-08-08(美国)片长:129分钟

主演:野泽雅子 / 池田昌子 / 麻上洋子 / 麻生美代子 / 藤田淑子 / 银河万丈 / 久松保夫 / 井上真树夫 / 

导演:林太郎 / 编剧:市川昆 Kon Ichikawa/Shiro Ishimori/松本零士 Leiji Matsumoto