圣诞快乐,义乌Merry Christmas, Yiwu(2020)



导演:马拉登·科瓦切维奇 / 


Plot Summary:Communist ideals have long lost their value in Yiwu, a city with 600 Christmas factories, in which Christmas as we know it is produced for the entire world. With rising wages, the workers in Christmas factories can now afford newest iPhones, but they still live in crowded dormitories. All migrants in their own country, nostalgic for some place far away, some miss their families left in hometowns, other miss their friends and lovers from the factories when they go home for holidays. Young generation is already tired of long factory hours, chemical fumes and glitter particles, and they do not care for their parents' wishes to get educated. Stuck in between Chinese tradition and the newly discovered Chinese dream, they want their own businesses, to be rich, to be independent, to be in love.
在义乌,当一个个手工制作的圣诞帽与圣诞球,全部汇入到港口的巨大集装箱中,穿越一万公里出现在欧洲家庭的每个角落。圣诞颂歌,团圆之夜,还有谁会记得这些圣诞饰品的东方故乡?   然而,即便是在他们的东方故乡,背井离乡出来打工的男男女女们,在略显拥挤的工厂宿舍中,恋爱,思乡,迷惘。工厂里劳动换取的薪水又购买着西方的物品,反哺着庆祝东方的春节。区别于中国传统一辈对他们的期待,此刻,他们希望自己富有,独立,相爱。
