
Pickle Nancy • 人生七年4:28

Tony的生活态度很积极向上啊 出身底层从jockey到taxi driver,不觉得自己有什么不如人的,说I like to feel that I don’t want to keep still, because life don’t wait for nobody so you’ve gotta cram it in as much as you can before your days are numbered. I may be a happy-go-lucky type of fellow.一个人满不满意自己的生活精神状态是区别很大的。
问一下灵魂拷问,你最满意幸福的时刻是什么诸如此类 What are the best times for you? What’s the most enjoyable thing about teaching?
Exactly, I didn’t know where I was going at 21. 富家女遇到爱人变好让我羡慕。
Oh, Peter’s point hits me. The facts were, I’m not particularly an intelligent person just reasonably I suppose. I’m not a genius, I just went to college on three reasonable A levels. And just didn’t do very much work for three years, just do the bare minimum. Turned up to lectures wrote a few essays. You got a degree for it and it was a joke really. Doesn’t appeal to me at all at the moment. I’ve just gone 20, I haven’t even being abroad yet in my life so there’s no way I’m going to get settled down.但是他的消极不满和dead-lazy.
能看出来辍学郁郁不得志的Nil是有思考的,不禁让我想 懂了道理是不是并不会有助于适应社会规则,也不会就过好。想的多、敏感、犹豫 这些特质都是并存在人身上的叭 让我想到忧郁哥。
黑人的不愿意努力往上爬 安于easy happy life也引人深思。
剪辑问题有误导倾向 you keeps asking me if things worry me,/ But is that depressing or frightening to think we’re all set by the time we’re seven and that’s it?/ I don’t even think, to be honest, we consciously think about it until this program comes up every seven years. 身处底层的工人三姐妹和黑人明显没想那么多,还挺求仁得仁的叭,除了Nil被七年前觉得七年后你在干什么啪啪打脸。

人生七年428 Up(1984)

又名:人生七载之当我二十八 / 28岁起 / 人生七年第四季 / Twenty Eight Up


主演:(teenagers from 7 plus Seven) / 

导演:迈克尔·艾普特 / 


羅 • 28up…