【Ep1:Burke and Hare: In The Name of Science】
Two shunned Irish immigrants in Scotland start off as grave robbers to sell the dead to doctors, but decide that creating their own inventory is much easier, and become the most prolific mass-murdering duo in history.(IMDB)

事件原型:Burke and Hare Murders

【Ep2: Elizabeth Bathory: Mirror, Mirror】
The aging Countess of Blood, running out of virginal peasants to drain of their youthful essence, brings in a bright-eyed noble to start a new cycle of torture and murder.(IMDB)

事件原型:Elizabeth Bathory,吸血女伯爵

【Ep3: Hinterkaifeck: Ghosts in the Attic】
In the German hinterlands, between World Wars, a family goes to bed, not knowing that their killer has been living in the walls and attics of their home like a ghost, watching, waiting for his chance to strike, in one of the most famous unsolved mysteries of all time.(IMDB)

事件原型:Hinterkaifeck Murders,德国Hinterkaifeck农场谋杀案

【Ep4:Prague Clock: The Curse of the Orloj】
As two clockmakers race against the curse of the Orloj, a curse that has already driven the city of Prague to madness and death with the Black Plague, these brothers will discover the price of trying to change history.(IMDB)

事件原型:The Prague Astronomical Clock,布拉格天文钟诅咒

【Ep5:Mary Webster: The Witch of Hadley】
A young woman, raised in a town controlled by a religious zealot, must rectify a fatal mistake before a ravenous mob hangs the Old Witch, Mary Webster, in this story set just 11 years before and 100 miles from Salem, Massachusetts.(IMDB)

事件原型:Mary Webster,女巫

【Ep6:Jack Parsons: The Devil and the Divine】
In 1922 only one person, Jack Parsons, believed that we could send a rocket into space and conjure a demon. By 1952 he had done both. But all he cared about was the Scarlet Woman he had both summoned, and lost, Marjorie Cameron.(IMDB)

事件原型:Jack Parsons

传说 第二季Lore(2018)

又名:口头传说 / 走进传说

主演:埃米特·斯坎伦 / 史蒂文·伯克夫 / 道格·布拉德利 / 乔舒华·鲍曼 / 斯图尔特·鲍曼 / 麦米·麦考伊 / 尤尔根·普洛斯诺 / 彼得·霍斯金 / 

导演:克里斯托弗·史瑞弗 / 爱丽丝·特劳顿 / 编剧:卡洛斯·福利亚 Carlos Foglia

传说 第二季相关影评