
又名:蛋奶蜜三部曲之鸡蛋(港) / 卵(台) / 蛋 / Egg


主演:Nejat Isl Saadet Aksoy Ufuk Bayraktar 

导演:塞米赫·卡普兰奥卢 / 编剧:赛米·卡普拉诺格鲁 Semih Kaplanoglu/Orçun Köksal


Plot Summary:Poet Yusuf (35-38) returns to his childhood hometown, which he hadn't visited for years, upon his mother's death. He is faced with a neglected, crumbling house. Ayla, a young girl (17-19) awaits him there. Yusuf has been unaware of the existence of this distant relation who had been living with his mother for five years; He stays by his dead mother's bedside for a while on the morning of his return. Ayla's presence alleviates the emotions evoked by death to an extent. But how will Yusuf cope with the guilt that embraces him after the funeral? Will he manage to overcome it? The maternal household's chattels, and everyday habits, the staid rhythm of the provinces and the spaces filled with ghosts&; The town he once had left to escape all this, re-enchants Yusuf. Yusuf finds out on the day he's due to return to Istanbul that he is obliged to perform the sacrifice his mother had been prevented by death from fulfilling. Ayla pressures him. Yusuf and Ayla set off for the saint's tomb, some three or four hours away, for the traditional sacrifice ceremony that his mother Zehra had pledged. Ayla is very excited about this, her first trip out of the small town. An accident is to force Yusuf to confront all that he had been trying to evade. Unable to locate the herd amongst which the sacrificial animal was to be selected, they have to spend the night in a hotel by the crater lake. While the falling snow blankets guilt, they are no longer heading back to that old town.


Moviegoer • 蛋奶蜜素质三连观影之鸡蛋

2021年中秋节在上海影城度过的蛋奶蜜三连之首部曲 落魄诗人兼书店老板的漏夜回家奔丧的一路,多年照顾

MahmudKashgari • 脱离了母体,难道就真的割断了那个连结?

全篇基本都是劇透 来自Tire的男主角Yusup是个诗人,曾经出版过不少作品的他近年来文思枯竭,孑然

子怿和予梵 • 自己的日记

我依恋你,我爱你,我恨不得说一万遍,每天都说,我爱你,虽然它空洞乏味。 房子渐渐冷下来,虽白日里,灿

那里 • 作者电影之所以存在的意义

我非常喜欢这部电影。 和最初遇见泰国导演阿彼察邦•韦拉斯哈古一样,从最初的拒绝,到慢慢进入导演用胶

wongkaho • 4-

又是一個lost and found. 套戲好少對白,不過就係喜歡那種默契和交流,令人留意每一個眼