
又名:在流放地 / Single Cycle


主演:刘陆 张一卓 宋宁峰 张哲华 王芊雯 王紫逸 

导演:张琦 / 编剧:张琦 zhangqi


Plot Summary:Hong moves to Chongqing from Yinchuan with her six-year-old daughter Ye after her divorce. Ten years later, Ye is still emotionally attached to her father, but her mother's new boyfriend Liu eventually moves into their house. Ye is confused by Liu's attitude towards her and has a hard time deciphering its ambivalence. This causes her much anxiety. She reminisces about the past, and goes back and forth between a fragmented reality and her dreams, until the day her mother leaves with Liu. She decides to take the path of escape, as her mom did, and return to her hometown. However she soon comes to realize that her hometown had disappeared one night several years ago.
姚宏离婚后带着 6 岁的女儿姚晔离开银川,到重庆生活。十余年过后,当姚宏的男友刘红波搬进宏家来三个人一起生活的时候,女儿姚晔却因为对原生父亲姚峰的思念而无法接受这件事。同时,刘红波对姚晔的态度更让姚晔无法分辨是关心还是暧昧,使她变得焦虑。这可能存在的暧昧让姚晔一次次的回溯到过往的生活中去验证、发泄,游走在支离破碎的现实生活和梦境中。直到姚宏连同刘红波都一起离去,种种情绪、对父亲的思念,现实与往昔混杂在一起,让姚晔决定像姚宏一样逃离现实的生活,渴望回到故乡,却发现故乡早在多年前的一个夜晚就消失了……


导筒directube • 导筒× 导演 张琦:李屏宾为本片完成160米轨道横移长镜头

导筒系列专访 导演 张琦 张琦导演的《夜以继夜》提名2019年第3届平遥国际电影展卧虎单元最受欢迎影

面面 • 敬我们都曾有过的《夜以继夜》
