地平线系列:为什么我们不能预报地震Horizon: Why Can't We Predict Earthquakes?(2009)


主演:Steven Mackintosh 

导演:Mark Radice / 


Plot Summary:Last century, earthquakes killed over one million, and it is predicted that this century might see ten times as many deaths. Yet when an earthquake strikes, it always takes people by surprise. So why hasn't science worked out how to predict when and where the next big quake is going to happen? This is the story of the men and women who chase earthquakes and try to understand this mysterious force of nature. Journeying to China's Sichuan Province, which still lies devastated by the earthquake that struck in May 2008, as well as the notorious San Andreas Fault in California, Horizon asks why science has so far fallen short of answering this fundamental question.
上个世纪,地震造成的死亡人数超过100万,但是预测本世纪可能会达到10倍。然而,当发生地震时,人们总是感到吃惊。   那么,为什么还没有制定出如何科学预测下一个大地震会发生的时间和地点?这是这个记录片所要试图了解的这个神秘力量的本质。   对我国四川省2008年5月的大地震之旅,以及臭名昭著的加利福尼亚州圣安德列斯断层,为什么科学迄今未能回答这一根本问题。


汪汪的小黄 • BBC.为什么我们不能预报地震
