
You see the dictatorship in democracy. It’s the invisible order which sustains your apparent freedom.


This precisely is the ultimate illusion.


Ideology is not simply imposed on ourselves. Ideology is our spontaneous relationship to our social world. How we perceive meaning and so on. We in a way enjoy our ideology. To step out of ideology it hurts. You must force yourself to do it.


Freedom hurts.


Enjoyment is precisely enjoyment in disturbed pleasure even enjoyment in pain.


A commodity is an object full of theological even metaphysical niceties. Its presence always reflects an invisible transcendence.


A desire is never simply the desire for certain thing. It’s always also a desire for desire itself. A desire to continue to desire. Perhaps the ultimate horror of desire is to be fully filled in met so that I desire no longer. The ultimate melancholic experience is the experience of a loss of desire itself.


Fantasies are the central stuff our ideologies are made of. Fantasy is in psychoanalytical perspective fundamentally a lie.


The usual mode of fantasy is to construct a scene, not a scene where I get what I desire, but a scene in which I imagine myself as desired by others.


As it was often pointed out, fascism is at it’s most elementary, a conservative revolution. Revolution: economic development, modern industry. But a revolution which would none the less maintain or even reassert a traditional hierarchal society. A society which is modern, efficient, but at the same time controlled by hierarchal values with no class or other antagonisms. Now, they have a problem here, the fascists, but antagonism, class struggle and other dangers is something inherent to capitalism. Modernization, industrialization, as we know from the history of capitalism means disintegration of old stable relations. It means social conflicts. Instability is the way capitalism functions. So how to solve this problem? Simple. You need to generate an ideological narrative which explains how things went wrong in a society, not as a result of the inherent tensions in the development of this society, but as the result of a foreign intruder. Things were okay until Jews penetrated our social body. The way to restore the health of our social body is to eliminate the Jews.


In history the event which may appear as a catastrophe saves persons or an idea elevating it into a myth.


In practically all movies about U.S. Marines, the best-known embodiment of this obscenity are marching chants. A mixture of nonsense and obscenity. This is not undermining, making fun of military discipline. It is its inner most constituent. You take this obscene supplement away and military machine stops working.


This idea that the truth is too strong that a politician should be a cynicist, although he knows what is true, tells to ordinary people what Plato called ‘a noble fable’- a lie.


We need for our stability, a figure of ‘Big Other’ for whom we maintain appearances.

变态者意识形态指南The Pervert's Guide to Ideology(2012)

又名:齐泽克电影指南:意识形态篇(港) / 意识形态疯癫指南


主演:斯拉沃热·齐泽克 / 

导演:索菲亚·菲尼斯 / 编剧:斯拉沃热·齐泽克 Slavoj Zizek


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