星际之门SG-1:众神之子 终极剪辑版Stargate SG-1: Children of the Gods - Final Cut(2009)

又名:星际之门SG-1:众神之子 终极剪切版


主演:Richard Dean Anderson 

导演:Mario Azzopardi / 编剧:Jonathan Glassner/Brad Wright

星际之门SG-1:众神之子 终极剪辑版:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:An alien similar to Ra appears out of the Stargate, killing five soldiers and kidnapping another, a year after the original Stargate mission. A new team is assembled, including some old members, and they go in search of the missing soldier in order to find out how Ra could still be alive. Meanwhile, the alien Goa'uld kidnap Sha're and Skaara, implanting them with symbiotes and making them Goa'uld hosts.

星际之门SG-1:众神之子 终极剪辑版的影评列表

浮云@will be..
浮云@will be.. • 剪辑版。。

这个是长达10季的SG1的开篇之集,然后制作了这么一集剪辑版。。 据说多了点特效,嗯,比较明显的是星