龙凤斗智The Thomas Crown Affair(1968)



主演:史蒂夫·麦奎因 费·唐纳薇 保罗·伯克 

导演:诺曼·杰威森 / 编剧:Alan Trustman


Plot Summary:Four men pull off a daring daytime robbery at a bank, dump the money in a trash can and go their separate ways. Thomas Crown, a successful, wealthy businessman pulls up in his Rolls and collects it. Vickie Anderson, an independent insurance investigator is called in to recover the huge haul. She begins to examine the people who knew enough about the bank to have pulled the robbery and discovers Crown. She begins a tight watch on his every move and begins seeing him socially. How does the planner of the perfect crime react to pressure?
托马斯·考恩(史蒂夫·麦奎因 Steve McQueen饰),一位过着百无聊赖生活的百万富翁,而他暗中的身份却是抢劫集团的头领。富有的生活已经不能带给他任何满足和刺激,于是他策划了一场完美的银行抢劫案。保险公司派出美丽的女调查员维姬·安德森(费·唐纳薇 Faye Dunaway饰)展开调查,聪明的维姬发觉托马斯就是神秘的幕后主谋。令人意想不到的是两人在尔虞我诈的斗智斗勇中,竟然相爱了。   这部经典犯罪爱情影片《龙凤斗智》,由充满男性魅力的史蒂夫·麦奎因与冷艳不可捉摸的费·唐纳薇联袂主演。本片荣获1969年第41届奥斯卡金像奖最佳原创歌曲大奖及最佳配乐(非音乐类)提名,并荣获1969年第26届金球奖电影类最佳原创歌曲大奖。


Lane • Loved the song...and many others

想了半天,没想到一个切入的主题。这种情况是不应该写的,可是看到麦奎因的片子总忍不住插一脚... 喜