我是追着Sam Worhtington来的,结果却无意中发现了一座宝藏!



服装设计中,记有黑色高领毛衣,各式黑色皮夹克,制服式毛衣,和dandy风格的套装无数。配上MP7A sub-machine gun和消音贝雷塔,真是养眼啊。

Macbeth是穿的最不像话的。首先有长襟皮夹克,然后有glamor风格套装和衬衫,能够大大激发gaydar的兴趣。还有朋克黑衬衫,其中一套看起来活像U2的主唱。当然还有一件糜烂不堪,让人想入非非的睡袍,和“国王的新装“---Sam Worthington的身材无可厚非,没有威胁性但又有安全感那种。

影片的hightlight是Macbeth和三个女巫的场景。他和三女巫第二次相遇的时候(校服萝莉出场),techno音乐配得很诡异而恰当。当然最牛的是那个厨房里的oggy party。镜头点到为止,但已经让人鼻血长流了:摄影用了太多绚烂浓艳的颜色,如同卢本斯的油彩一样自由流动,从皮肤到室内光影都摇晃着诱惑的舌头。

最搞的是Macbeth 4P 完毕赤条条跑到走廊里,发现忠犬Seyton还在站岗。两人居然有的没的聊了几句台词。Seyton真他妈的抗得住。

这片子的目的之一就是做到theatrical,剧场和舞台效应很强那种。所以台词是全套的原剧本,但表演却不是很舞台。一方面是演员在舞台表演和电影表演之间掌握了很好的平衡 (这里Macbeth, MacDuff和Malcolm的表演异常流畅),另一方面是因为剧本改编很巧妙的把蒙太奇的节奏和大段心理抒情整合在一起。因此Macbeth在濒临死亡时,不会把那段Out out brief candle. Life's but walking shadow慢吞吞的背诵完。这段话是用镜头里的两具尸体和画外音实现的,非常诗化的效果。大多台词删的好,删得妙,删的呱呱叫。最后一段“教父“风格枪战中,有几句台词特别应景儿。


Lady Macbeth的表演有些古怪,这不能怪我性别歧视。她本人是半个制片人,25天低预算拍摄完这片子,已经很让人吃惊了。

我很久之前看过Ethan Hawk的哈姆雷特,看过迪卡普里奥的罗密欧。两个主角都挺养眼,但我是强忍着看完的。这个Aussie版本莫名其妙的就很入眼,奇怪.......



在采访中Sam Worthington提及了一点悲剧定义。不是任何人都能这样理解悲剧的。他的话让我想到了尼采那本“悲剧的诞生“。

"We perceive Macbeth as a killer and a bad man, but the way I wanted to play it was he considered everything he did to be honourable," Worthington says. "And that's the tragedy; that he turns into a dickhead. But he's a man of action. Once he crosses the Rubicon, he keeps going.

"I read everything I could about Macbeth. I didn't want him to be a man of indecision, to keep wondering: 'Why am I doing this?' To me, that isn't tragic. Tragic is a person who keeps going and, no matter what, believes he's bullet-proof and can't be stopped."


The actor's inspiration was more Liam Gallagher than Olivier.

"As his brother [Noel] says, Liam knows no other world than the rock music world; he can't function in a normal world. So my brain goes: 'That's just like Macbeth. He knows no other world. He starts going crazy and living this opulent dream.' "

他是当年新邦德的三个主要竞争选手之一。Lucky him他没有去演James Bond。Who knows?

Worthington may have been living the opulent dream, too, if he'd landed the role of James Bond last year. At 29, he was roughly the right age for 007 as portrayed in Ian Fleming's first Bond book, Casino Royale.

"They'd wanted me to audition, and I kept saying, 'No, I can't see myself playing Bond.' And then I found a way in. I said to them, 'Right, you fly me and my girl over, I'll give you what I've got.'

"They flew me to London, I did a day in Pinewoood studios, did the scenes with [director] Martin Campbell. And they said, 'Oh, are you enjoying London?' I said

'No, I'm not. I'm here to do the job. Here's the thing: [you say] he's smart, sophisticated and suave, and he's trained to be a killer. I've read all the [Fleming] books and watched all the movies. And he's not.' "

Worthington insists Bond was the other way around: a thug who was trained to be debonair.

The role went to the debonair though craggy Daniel Craig. Worthington is unfazed.

"You come back, exhausted, laughing that you went and did Bond. It's like any big movie; you go and meet big directors. It's not a disappointment because it puts heat on you. You become well known for going in and doing your job."



主演:Sam Worthington / Victoria Hill / Lachy Hulme / 

导演:Geoffrey Wright /