
又名:Echoes of War



导演:Joop van Wijk / 


Plot Summary:War and violence leave behind the dead, the wounded, the maimed, the victim and the witness. In ECHOES OF WAR, children left behind in Afghanistan, Colombia, Sierra Leone and New York take us into their lives and share their memories, nightmares and dreams. A Colombian boy takes us down the road where his hand disappeared. In New York, two girls tell us about their father, who worked on too high a floor of the World Trade Centre. We meet a girl in Afghanistan who struggles to remember her father of whom even the pictures were burned. In Sierra Leone a family on their way to a well is attacked, leaving a girl behind who has no idea what the rebels were fighting for. A boy in the Colombian jungle dreams of becoming a doctor. A girl in a besieged city is determined to become president of her country and outlaw all weapons. The children reveal these stories by listening to the tale of a little elephant who tries to find the courage to live with the death of his father. While they identify with the plight of the little elephant we discover that they are heroes who take us beyond the politics and rhetoric of statesmen, terrorists and soldiers. By interplaying the children's life stories with the animated tale of the little elephant, ECHOES OF WAR is a sensitive and moving portrayal about the consequences of war.
战争造成了无数死伤,有的人残废,有的人遇难,有的则目睹整个战争侥幸生还。在这部电影里,他们留在了阿富汗、哥伦比亚、塞拉利昂还有纽约,分享他们的回忆、梦魇及对未来的憧憬。   在每个国家,孩子们总会率真地回味他们的生活经历当他们看小象重拾勇气的故事的时候,这头小象巴巴深陷困境,它希望找到勇气能够使它父亲在丛林战争中存活下来并且帮助自己的母亲。这部电影是由荷兰一直获奖团队拍摄,讲述了那些在战争中幸存的孩子分享他们怎样在战争后找到勇气克服继续生活下去,而不是他们所经历的恐惧的故事,我们发现他们才是真正的英雄,远胜于那些政客、恐怖分子及战士的政治与雄辩,我们甚至还能在他们玩耍的废墟中找到些许愉快的记忆。片中小象的故事与现实中孩子的真实故事相对应,使这部电影更加生动形象地描绘了战争带来的严重后果。


沙丁鱼2 • 2007广州国际纪录片观影记录

影片:Echoes of War 时间:10.21 周日 16:15 地点:蓝宝石影院 动画片其实

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