drift apart:渐行渐远
shrink by a third 减少三分之一
nappy manufacturer 尿布生产商
population boom/ bust 人口爆炸/ 锐减

It feels as though I've just walked onto the set of some post-apocalyptic nightmarish vision of the future, except it's not in a film set. It's real.

a trophy cabinet 奖杯展示柜
It is as though time has just stood still. 时间似乎凝固了。

rusty 生锈的
a shrine to the hobby 一座爱好的圣殿

resort to desperate measures 采取孤注一掷的策略
maternity ward 产科病房

catastrophic population decline 灾难性的人口锐减
a massive population drop
a population bust
the slide began during 下滑现象从...开始

a densely populated country 一个人口稠密的国家
the world's largest metropolis 世界最大的都市

newborns 新生儿
demographer 人口学家
to keep population sustained as it is 使人口保持在现有数量
Just 2% of children are born out of wedlock.
born in wedlock: 婚生的,有法定父母的

the economy has stagnated 经济停滞
dysfunctional 功能障碍的
growth remains stagnant 增长停滞
growth goes negative 增长出现下滑

comic books 漫画书
anime cartoons 日本动漫
the manga cartoon 动漫
fanatics 狂热入迷者

what's the set up here:这里的设定是什么?
Otaku culture 御宅文化
idol culture 偶像文化

mystifying 神秘的
the psyche of modern Japanese man 日本人的灵魂

the most famous hang-out for geeks/gamers/comic book fanatics
a plethora of shops/game centres 过剩的店铺和游戏中心

a kinky thing [口] 怪癖的,稍微变态的; 【书】abnormal
they fantasize about sexual
soft-porn fantasies 软色情幻想
titillation 瘙痒;愉快[n]

wholesome 有益健康的= heart healthy

They just hope to approximate their parent's level of wealth 他们只是希望能创造接近于他们父母的财富
approximate 接近于;[v]
were coddled 被溺爱的
humbling 令人羞耻的

to summon up the energy to ask a girl out
to summon up the energy 鼓起勇气

trolly 超市手推车

But the store also caters for the less glamorous side of getting old.
cater for 满足需要;投合;迎合

an entire aisle dedicated to adult nappies

A outsell B, A 比B 卖得多

venerate the wisdom of the elderly 崇敬老年人的智慧

but among the elderly crime is on the up:
on the up :上升
the crime rate amongst this age group is sky rocketing in Japan.
be sky rocketing 飞速上升
ever-growing 一直攀升的
mounting costs 不断上升的巨额费用

quite frail 非常虚弱
life behind bars 铁窗生活; 监狱生活

rehabilitation 修复;复兴;恢复名誉;康复
geriatric 老年医学的;老年病学的
a handful of people 一小撮人

an enormous debt to GDP ratio 庞大的债务占国内生产总值比例
to fund its deficit 弥补其赤字

gigantic stimulus will kick-start spending and boost the economy.

Japan is still a predominantly very homogeneous society.

But I think there is a sequence or order of events that needs to occur

an acute shortage of 严重短缺
mentally demoralized 意志消沉的

Japanese employees are guaranteed just ten days off a year. But most only ever take half of what they are entitled to.

rigid 严谨的死板的精确的
assimilate 吸收;消化;同化

He is an asset for everybody 他对每个人来说都很有价值

Japan has kept its own utterly unique culture

shifting deep rooted traditions

What happening in the next few years here in Japan will be watched keenly around the world.

别和日本人谈性This World: No Sex Please, We're Japanese(2013)



导演:John Holdsworth /