随便记一些我喜欢的台词 都是自己记的 其中应该会有错误


M:" We saw the world afresh, but for a long time, the world didn't seem to understand us. The impressionists, they called us. We are painters of water, of light, of colors. We are of our own time, yet beyond it. "

莫奈评价Edouard Manet的一幅画
M:" When I looked at "dejeuner", I saw the very thing I've been moving towards, not ancient Rome, or ancient Greece,or Mountain Olympia, but Paris."

T:" It's not bad, but it's too, too much like the model you have. It's a stodgy man. You draw him stodgy. He has enormous feet, you reproduced them. The ugly, in drawing, we must always think of the antique"
M:" I prefer to work for nature."
T:" Nature is a means to end. A masterpiece borrows from imperfect models....
M:" For me, nature is an end itself."
T:" But no one is interested in nature."
M:" And if we do, we will all draw him differently, and his feet will be different, just as we are all different and the world is different, at every moment and every day. (YEH!)"
T:" Styles is what matters. Styles Styles Styles! "
M:" I want reality! "
T:" Really has no place in my studio!"
M:" I've just seen the future, and do you know something, you are not in it."

M:" See how the light falls through the leaves onto the floor, and the leaves against sky... No one can tell me there is no color and shadow, when I have stood here, and seen it, and painted it by myself."

第一集的结尾莫奈在惋惜好友Bazile的死亡时和记者有了这段对话,拍的很好,台词写的也好, 不知道是导演加的还是据事实改编的

M:" And then we find our subject again, we return. As we travel, we return."
J: "Where do you return to?"
M: "Lights on water, clouds and sky. For years we struggle for something, and just when we thought our time is coming, seemed rather further to go."


印象派简史The Impressionists(2006)

又名:莫内和他的朋友们(台) / 印象派

主演:理查德·阿米蒂奇 / 查理·孔杜 / 亚丁·吉勒特 / 朱利安·格洛弗 / 安德鲁·哈维尔 / 威尔·基恩 / 伊索贝尔·普拉夫达 / 阿曼达·鲁特 / 

导演:Tim Dunn / 编剧:Colin Swash/萨拉·伍兹 Sarah Woods