As an only child, all I wanted always was and is...“True friend——not someone just like you. But someone who isn't you- but about whom you care as much as you are about yourself. The sorrows of a true friend are your sorrows, their joys are yours. It makes you vulnerable-should anything befall this person. But it is hugely strengthening,too. You are relieved from the too small orbit of your own thoughts and worries, you expand into the life of another, together you become larger,cleverer,more resilient, more fair-minded(also luckier).You share virtues and cancel out each other's defeats. Friendship teaches us what we ought to be. It is, quite literally, the best part of life.”
What about love...想起zyp最近跟我说出气包,好像不太能迎合我的需求。。。还是继续yy用光荷尔蒙就好。

都市女孩 第五季Girls(2016)

又名:女孩我最大 第五季(台) / 衰姐们 第五季

主演:莉娜·邓纳姆 / 亚当·德赖弗 / 杰米玛·科克 / 佐莎·马梅特 / 艾莉森·威廉姆斯 / 

导演:莉娜·邓纳姆 / 杰西·派瑞兹 / 理查德·谢帕德 / 詹米·巴比特 / 亚历克斯·卡普夫斯基 / 珍妮佛康纳 / 编剧:莉娜·邓纳姆 Lena Dunham