女同志吸血鬼杀手Lesbian Vampire Killers(2009)


主演:希薇娅·克洛卡 Margarita Hall Sianad Gregory 马修·豪勒 露西·加丝凯 

导演:菲尔·克雷东 / 编剧:Paul Hupfield/Stewart Williams


Plot Summary:Centuries ago, Baron Wolfgang MacLaren vanquished the Vampire Queen Carmilla in the remote Cragwich; however, before decapitating the evil vampire, she curses the locals and descendants of the baron, swearing that every woman would turn into a lesbian vampire on the eighteenth birthday. On the present days, the clumsy and naive cuckold Jimmy is dumped again by his girlfriend Judy and misses her. His best friend Fletch is fired in his job of clown after hitting an annoying boy. The two friends are broken and decide to camp in the countryside to forget their problems, and Jimmy throws a dart in a map in a pub to decide where they should go. They head to Cragwich and when they arrive in the bar Baron's Rest, they see four hot girls leaving the place in a Kombi. The innkeeper offers the old Mircalla cottage in the woods for them, the same place the girls will lodge. Meanwhile, Lotte, Heide, Anke and Trudi have trouble with their van and Jimmy and Fletch reach them in the forest and they offer a ride to the guys to the cottage. They introduce themselves as students of folklore and they are researching the Vampire Queen Carmilla. When Fletch believes that he will have a night of beer and sex with three sexy girls and Jimmy and Lotte have a crush on each other, the cottage is surrounded by a group of lesbian vampires that vampires intend to use Jimmy and Lotte's blood to bring Carmilla back to life. They are abducted by the vampires, but Fletch escapes and meets Reverend Vicar that tells him that Jimmy is a descendant of the baron and only hope to stop the evil curse of Cragwich.
在传说中的年代,女吸血鬼卡米拉以女性为猎物祸及英国乡间,终于有勇士借圣剑威力将其封印,但卡米拉旗下一干女性吸血鬼得以隐匿……英国青年吉米(Mathew Horne 饰)最近被红杏出墙的神经质女友抛弃,好友胖子弗莱奇(James Corden 饰)则丢掉了小丑的工作,二人为排遣郁闷,前往用飞镖确定的不知名英国乡下远足。   两人临近目的地,在一间酒吧内见识神秘牧师向当地居民发出警告,四名靓丽女子旅游经过此处,于是六人结伴前行,其中一人罗提似对当地的吸血鬼传说颇有认识,并默默属意吉米。当夜,女吸血鬼们袭击了这些年轻人,并将吉米和罗提掳走作为唤醒卡米拉的祭品,弗莱奇与随后赶到的牧师挖掘出圣剑,与这些擅于摆造型的女吸血鬼展开了战斗……


谭亭 • 我的收看簿:《女同志吸血鬼杀手》


longer323 • 极其靠谱的正派女文艺青年的爱情观人生观世界观


白小邪 • 恶搞也很无聊~

1、卡米拉很美 卡米拉真是美啊,一开始真是声色妖娆的,于是看下去了,想看看后面的诅咒实现是不是很劲爆

飞行员-721C • 此剧绝对是一个阴谋,天雷般的阴谋

起先以为是一部同志题材的B级片 后来觉得应该是一部同志题材的恶搞片 看完才发现原来是打着同志题材的幌

不搭 • 欢迎来到吸血鬼恐怖主题乐园


Raynor.Chen • 不能说差但也不能说好的电影


无少 • 居然没有高潮!还我7块钱!!!

主角之外的人,没有任何前奏的情况下直接被秒杀。 主角们对付对手,没有任何障碍的直接得手。 天啊,

康斯坦丁 • 恶搞吸血鬼猎人
