维多利亚时代的人们The Victorians(2009)

又名:画作中的维多利亚 / The Victorians-Their Story in Pictures

主演:Jeremy Paxman 

导演:Jeremy Paxman / 编剧:Jeremy Paxman


Plot Summary:Jeremy Paxman, presenter of the BBC's current affairs program Newsnight examines the life and times of the Victorian era. In the first program he focuses on the styles of Victorian artists and their stark contrast between the dreams and nightmares of the age. Victorian artists painted cozy, opulent interiors of domestic happiness without any of the hardships of the poor. Many artists however rebelled against this in the mid Victorian era and painted what happened was happening to the unfortunates and the destitute and depict the dark, lingering fears and anxieties that threatened too destroy the calm of home which the Victorians had insulated themselves with.
主持人杰里米·帕克斯曼,从他热爱的维多利亚时期画作出发,带领我们审视维多利亚时期的生活。(文:life_is_good@YDY)   Jeremy Paxman takes his love of Victorian paintings as the starting point for a journey into Victorian Britain. Such pictures may not be fashionable today, but they are a goldmine of information about the most dynamic age in British history.


knowcraft • 纪录片掠影

【】纪录片掠影 2011.8.13,下午看了第三集画作中的维多利亚时代,该集title为having

昊子 • 大开眼界

这是近五年来BBC最优秀的历史纪录片。资料详实,富于说服力。 记得第二集《家,甜爱涩性》中凯辛顿的摄