极速前进:加拿大版 第五季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Teams must decipher a Morse code message in St. John's pointing them to a destination in British Columbia. One team takes a penalty rather than spend time on the task. Once on the west coast teams find a clue at the Capilano Suspension Bridge that takes them into downtown Vancouver where one team member must navigate a high wire to get their next clue, which is either "Paddle or Pedal." Paddle is a challenge of navigating a long boat through a course in False Bay, while pedal is bicycle polo. Finishing these tasks teams race to the Van Duesen Gardens to the pit stop, where the team that took the penalty must wait two hours to check in.

极速前进:加拿大版 第五季的影评列表

BooBii软糖 • amazing


heartrick • 竟然是最喜欢的team赢了,开心

Sam 和 Paul这一对一开始没有多大的竞争力,后来越战越勇,之间的chemistry越来越有好,