伏沃迪约夫斯基骑士Pan Wołodyjowski(1969)

又名:伏洛窦耶夫斯基先生 / 边塞喋血记


主演:塔德乌什·罗姆尼斯基 芭芭拉·布雷尔斯卡 扬·诺维茨基 达尼尔·奥勒布里斯基 马里乌什·德莫霍夫斯基 瓦迪斯瓦夫·汉恰 博古谢·比莱夫斯基 吕斯察德·容兹察夫斯基 

导演:耶尔齐·霍夫曼 / 编剧:耶尔齐·霍夫曼 Jerzy Hoffman/耶日·卢托夫斯基 Jerzy Lutowski/亨利克·显克维奇 Henryk Sienkiewicz


Plot Summary:In 1668 the Ottoman Empire decides to attack and invade the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth which is one of the few major European powers to still stand in the destructive path of the Ottomans.Having recently retired to a monastery,Polish Colonel Michael Wolodyjowski is no longer in active duty.However,the Polish king,Jan Sobieski knows that Colonel Wolodyjowski is an able commander and sends for him,recalling him to active duty.Joining his old comrades in arms,including the English noble Ketling Hassling of Elgin, Colonel Wolodyjowski takes command of the Polish defenses on the Eastern Frontier.He prepares for the arrival of the invading Ottoman armies and Tatar Hordes and waits.The fate of Christian Europe lies in his hands.
故事背景为1668 年, 土耳其入侵波兰东部边境。波兰军队, 在伏洛窦耶夫斯基上校的领导下, 和波兰鞑靼人形成联盟, 与土耳其苏丹的大军决一死战。


春风 • 历史小说三部曲——波兰文学史上的尖峰杰作
