
NYCC 2014: Toonzone Interviews Ciro Nieli on Season 3 of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
October 22, 2014 • By Todd "GWOtaku" DuBois

With a third season on the air and a fourth already on the way, Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is sure to be a fixture on the network for quite some time to come. Once again the show had a strong presence at New York Comic Con this year, once again the show’s creators and several members of its voice were in town to talk about the show, and once again Executive Producer Ciro Nieli was kind enough to sit down with Toonzone news and talk about the show. Read on for a discussion with Mr. Nieli about the latest season, the creative challenges of building upon and expanding the show’s world, and some of what’s in store for our heroes in the new season.第三季已播出第四季已预订,尼克版忍者神龟肯定会在网络上风靡一段时间。今年它在纽约漫展上又一次表现强势,节目制作人和一些配音演员又一次讨论这个节目,监制人Ciro Nielli 又一次接受Toonzone新闻采访来聊一聊这个节目。一起来了解一下最新一季的那些扩展神龟宇宙的创造性挑战以及我们的英雄们会怎样吧。

TOONZONE NEWS: So, TMNT has started season 3 and season 2 ended in a way that seems almost the inverse of season 1 – the Kraang invade New York, the Turtles lose their home and they have to rebound. Is this a season about recovery and taking back New York?
CIRO NEILI: A good part of it is, I think. We’ve always seen the woods this way – whether you’re a turtles fan or making the show, it’s a place for the Turtles to regroup. To recenter, mature a little bit, to basically overcome the odds they are up against. In this case that’s taking back Manhattan, solving the whole Splinter loss, and don’t forget Leo overcoming major physical injuries.

TZN: With every passing season you’ve had this balance where characters introduced come back and you keep introducing new ones as well. What can fans look forward to this time around?
CIRO NIELI: Well we’re doing a little bit of the same, we’re always going to be introducing new villains. We pull from everywhere. Some you might recognize from the Mirage books, some might be from Archie books or the Fred Wolf show. Some we’ll make up from scratch, so a mixed bag is what’s coming up ahead. We try to filter in new stuff with familiar stuff as much as possible, so that [new] stuff feels like it’s part of the mythos.
我们差不多还是和以前一样,我们总是引进新的反派。我们从各个地方寻找反派角色,你大概已经发现他们有些来自Mirage books、Archie books或者Fred Wolf show。有的角色是由草图组成的混合体。我们尝试尽可能在新事物里渗透一些熟悉的东西,这样感觉上就是同一主题的一部分。

TZN: Season 2 ended with an interesting situation among the villains: Shredder seems to understands his alliance with the Kraang is tenuous, and he thinks he struck a huge blow for his revenge when he threw Splinter down that drain. But of course, the Turtles aren’t dead. So when they get back to New York are we going to run headlong into a power struggle, or is this a man still ruled by his vendetta?
CIRO NIELI: It’s a little bit of what you said, there is this vendetta. But I think right now it’s going to get massively complicated, and distracted by the Karai story. Ultimately the story begins and should end with the struggle between the Hamato clan and the Foot, so we will serve that at some point. But in the meantime we have to deal with the Karai stuff, the Kraang stuff is complicating things, we have a lot of mutants running around New York, we’re still stuck in the woods, it’s crazy and the world is growing.

TZN: So are there going to be some Splinter / Karai adventures in this season then?
CIRO NIELI: Well…no. That is interesting, though. You mean together, or separate?
TZN: Right, because last we saw them she saved him and went away and that’s left very open.
CIRO NIELI: We don’t really know the state of Splinter, to be honest, and how he’s doing. Karai will be dealt with a lot, but more towards the second half of the season for sure.
TZN: How do you guys feel about where the show’s world is at, right now? There is so much to TMNT lore and so many characters introduced over the years. Is there a point where you feel like it can get too bloated and there’s too much going on? How do you strike the right balance so the show feels fresh but you’re not overloading it?
CIRO NIELI: There’s a lot involved in making a TV show. One of the bigger problems is programming and knowing how it’s going to air, and how it will play on the future on DVD and all that stuff. Fans of Turtles in general, we get that some of the diehard fans would love just watching a serialized show full of canon every show and just hooking up seamlessly like Korra or something. But you know, we also have to understand that these shows should be able to be played out of order so that if you feel like just randomly watching TMNT, you can enjoy it. So I feel like the villains and the world too, the bigger it gets the harder that is to pull of in a clean and simple way. But you have to keep making [action] figures, and I like coming up with monsters. Making them is really fun, they’re like children – you have fun making them, and then you realize you have to live with them. Our rogues gallery is probably at at least 20 now in terms of mutants, I’d imagine, it seems like we’re right around there. Then you have to make space for things like Rocksteady and Bebop, and it gets hard because I know the fans have always wanted that. It’s not that we didn’t want to do it, it was just finding the time and place to fit them in. It’s almost a disservice to characters we’ve come with like Dog Pound, who is now Rahzar, to have to introduce characters like Rocksteady and Bebop because they’re almost filling the same job.
制作电视节目要考虑很多。比较大的问题是规划流程以及怎样播映,还有将来做成DVD等等。死忠龟粉会觉得看系列正剧就很好并且会像看科拉传奇一样一直追剧。但是,我们也必须考虑让节目打破常规,这样当你只是偶然看到TMNT时你依旧会喜欢。这些反派还有宇宙也是如此,他们越复杂就越难以简洁的方式说清。但你必须创造新形象,我喜欢制造怪物,制造怪物非常有意思,它们就像孩子一样——制造它们的过程很享受,然后你发现你必须要和它们一起生活。我们的流氓展览馆现在大概至少也有20种变异怪物。而你还要给Rocksteady和Bebop(未来的牛头猪面)留出空间,这有些难因为我知道粉丝们一直期望着他们。不是我们不想,只是要找个合适的时间和空间给他们。我们引进Rocksteady和Bebop所做的几乎就是对角色的虐待,就像Dog Pound(现在是Rahzar)一样,因为他们几乎是在做同样的工作。
TZN: Except maybe less well, or it’s not really them. *laughs*
CIRO NIELI: Yeah. One thing we did, we took Dog Pound and turned him into Rahzar. We got to the point with Dog Pound where we got tired of just him, and rather than saying “let’s get rid of him” it was “let’s make him who we want him to be”. It was fun to do that, and it gave a better backstory to Rahzar.
对。我们把Dog Pound变成了Rahzar。我们对只是Dog Pound感到厌倦了,于是我们说“让我们把他变成我们想让他成为的”而不是“让我们摆脱他”。这样做很有趣,而且这还会给Rahzar一个更好的故事背景。

TZN: Generally speaking, what’s on your mind for the turtles this season? The very obvious thing is that Leonardo’s gone through some changes and been through a tough time, and he has to come back. We saw some moments in the season 2 finale like Michelangelo calming down Raphael, Raphael looking over Leonardo with some tenderness and Donatello having to build a lab from scratch. Would you say there’s this conscious intent to develop and tweak everyone as time passes while still keeping them recognizable?
CIRO NIELI: Definitely. With the change in Leonardo – and this has nothing to do with Seth Green showing up, that was almost serendipitous. In fact we waited to bring in Seth Green until that point, so that we could enhance the story that was happening. Leo has to overcome his physical injuries, and bringing in a new voice for that helped us say hey, this character is going to come out of the other side of this thing with a lot more knowledge of where he’s going. I think Leo doing that automatically ages up the gang, regardless of what we decide to do with them.
Mikey I think definitely changed a little bit out in the woods, I like the more nurturing Mikey. A lot of people see him as a goof and stuff, but I don’t think they’ve actually seen him in a situation with real stakes. So as some of the stories become more realistic and sensible, you see how he’s become an important part of the team. The thing we’re trying to do with Donny the most – there is the situation with the lab, but we’re going to see a bit of bonding between him and Casey Jones. I think they’re a bit more similar than they realize, they’re both of the clan of the tinkerer. Casey may seem like a brain dead jock, but at the same time he did make that outfit and his bike, which is kind of awesome.
是的。Leo的变化——这和Seth Green接手配音毫无关系,那几乎是偶然。事实上我们就想等到那个时刻来让Seth Green介入,这样我们就可以加强故事的效果。Leo必须克服他身上的伤,用一个新的声音可以帮我们说,嘿,这个角色将要展现他的另一面,对自己何去何从拥有更多的认识。我认为Leo那样做会自动使整个团队更加成熟,不管我们都决定做什么。我觉得Mikey肯定会在树林里变得的开放一点,我喜欢在成长的Mikey。很多人把他看作小笨蛋等等,但我觉得他们真应该看看他在危急时刻的表现。所以当情节变得更现实明显,你会发现他是团队里重要的一部分。我们对Donny最想做的——在实验室里的情节,但我们将会看到一点他和Casey的联系。我觉得他们其实比自己意识到的更加相似,他们都是喜欢捣鼓小发明的人。Casey也许看起来像个无脑健儿,可同时他却制作了全套装备和他自己酷炫的车。

TZN: I wanted to ask about that. There’s been this situation with Casey where he’s positioned as Donatello’s rival for April’s affection, and that’s played for laughs, and it’s kept going by the fact that April didn’t want to shatter Donatello’s illusion and hurt his feelings. So I was wondering if things would change and if we’d see more from Casey and more bonding with the Turtles, not just April.

CIRO NIELI: The thing about Casey that’s great is, you get the four brothers and you play out those realities and relationships between them. Then you bring in a new character, and all those relationships can change. So you let that happen for a minute, and that’s where you get “Apriltello” vs Casey / April shipping things and people get up in arms about that. Some are just hating Casey automatically because that shows their love for Donny, but hold on: he is kind of the fifth turtle, and how does that start to work? Playing that out is definitely a big part of season three. There was a big debate about what we do with Casey, do we bring him to the woods or not bring him? And we decided to bring him, so he’s kind of the fifth Turtle now.
关于Casey很棒的一面是,你有四个兄弟一起经历一切、经营着彼此的关系。然后你加入一个新的角色,而那些关系都可能会因此改变。你使它发生哪怕一刻,就产生了“Apriltello” vs Casey / April的CP之争,而且人们还为此武装起来。有些人就是自动讨厌Casey以为那展现了他们对Donny的爱,但请等一下:他其实相当于是第五只龟,怎样表现呢?这肯定占第三季很大的一部分。怎样处置Casey我们曾有很大的争论,我们要不要把他带到树林呢?最后我们决定带着他,所以现在他就像是第五个神龟。

TZN: For one last question, real briefly: beyond the woods, what’s the dominant theme in the rest of the season?
CIRO NIELI: It’s definitely the return to New York. Not just how do we get into the city, but how do we beat the Shredder? And don’t forget the city’s been mutated into Lovecraftian, slimy tentacle head things, so that’s a lot of work for Donatello and everybody. There’s a lot to handle. Sneaking into the city is the first task at hand and we deal with that quite a bit. Finding a new lair is something they’ll have to deal with, because they’re cover has been totally blown at this point. It’s a very thick season, and it’s going to be fun.

忍者神龟 第三季Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(2014)

