

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Today, my honey Kate came to visit me with her grandson. The little guy is happy to share his experience of learning skateboarding with me. Yes, he has been in junior high school, and I am old.

Kate also told me that a young man from Hangzhou, China, sent an e-mail to the nursing home, hoping to use the video I took in China 30 years ago. I reacted for a long time before I remembered that there was such a thing.

It is certainly a good thing for more young people to see the images of history. I asked Kate to tell him. Of course, remember to sign. Chinese people's awareness of copyright is getting better and better.

I found those videos of China today 1990 series and watched them many times. When I was 65 years old, Kate just became a novice mother. I went to China with my colleagues from the geological survey team. I was deeply impressed by Hangzhou, Nanjing and Beijing. In particular, the West Lake in Hangzhou is a paradise on earth. How comfortable it is to sit on a hand rowing boat and blow the wind.

Those people who sat on the West Lake cruise ship with me at that time are gone. Now I understand the sentence "friends are half scattered" said by Chinese poets. I shouldn't have a chance to go again.

2019.9.18 周三




我找到了那几段China Today 1990的系列视频,反复看了好多次。那是在我65岁的时候,那个时候kate刚成为一位新手妈妈,我和地质考察队的同事一起去中国游玩了一圈,杭州、南京、北京都给我留下了深刻的印象,尤其是杭州的西湖,简直是人间天堂,坐在手划船上,吹着风,多惬意啊。



Thursday, August 12, 2021

Three years ago, a young Chinese man named Frank wanted to use the video taken by his father many years ago. Yesterday, Frank contacted me again. He sent a video work "

Searching for Noel", saying that he was sorry for his father's death and didn't let him see the short film before he died.

My father left the world quietly on a snowy night on Christmas Eve last December. He lived 95 years old and had a wonderful life.

I told him that my father loved his family all his life and was keen on the creation of family images. He won the video competition award at the age of 85. When it comes to the recording of family images, Frank recommended me a documentary film "Four Springs" made by a Chinese director. I was very moved after watching it. If my father was still alive, he would like it very much.

In Frank's short film, he used a train clip taken by his father. In the train carriage, people happily clapped their hands and sang the song "Auld Lang Syne", and their faces were filled with longing for a new era. "Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind ? Should old acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne ?."

The model train of the shopping mall passed through the cave and the river and kept moving forward. Unfortunately, dad couldn't see it.

2021.8.12 周四








又名:Searching For Noel


