

The story takes place in a high-tech modern society. A kind of “memory chip”, which can be implanted into one’s skin and enable people to record everything they’ve seen, store the memories in their brains and watch the scenes right away by clicking a button. This invention has prevailed and almost everyone has owned one.

Liam, the male leading character sensed a delicate atmosphere when he saw his wife, Fi, with her male friend Jonas chatting during a party. After grilling his wife for some time, she confessed that Jonas was actually her ex-boyfriend. By tracing back the scenes stored in Fi’s memory chip, some words Fi told Liam previously had been proved lies. Eventually, under Liam’s furious threat, Fi played the record of her having sex with Jonas when Liam was absent from home because of a quarrel. She excused herself for being too lonely and having got drunk, but Liam didn’t listen.

Finally, the story ends with a scene which Liam stood in front of the mirror, pulling out the memory chip violently, with blood flowing down from his skin.








黑镜 第一季Black Mirror(2011)

又名:黑镜子 第一季

主演:罗里·金尼尔 / 鲁伯特·艾弗雷特 / 丹尼尔·卡卢亚 / 托比·凯贝尔 / 杰西卡·布朗·芬德利 / 艾伦·里奇 / 保罗·帕波维尔 / 汤姆·库伦 / 

导演:Otto Bathurst / 尤洛斯·林 / Brian Welsh / 编剧:查理·布鲁克 Charlie Brooker/Jesse Armstrong/Kanak Huq

黑镜 第一季相关影评
