极速前进 第九季The Amazing Race(2006)

又名:极速前进 第九季

主演:Phil Keoghan 


极速前进 第九季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The race begins in Denver, Colorado when teams quickly jet off to their first location, Sao Paulo, Brazil where, upon landing, they must venture deep into the heart of the city to find their next clue at the Hotel Unique. Almost immediately, teams make their way by foot to Viaduto Santa Ifigenia, a pedestrian footbridge overlooking the highway and the Vale do Anhangabuau. One team struggles to locate the clue box, while other teams seem to find it with ease. At the bridge, teams are faced with their first detour and must choose between finding a local motorcycle shop, where they will have to assemble a motorcycle from scratch, or soar high above the city of San Paolo in a helicopter in order to locate a specific building where they will find their next clue.

极速前进 第九季的影评列表

dorath • 很早很早之前看过的第九季

影响模糊。 不过现在再让我看一季,我还真看不下来。第十七季看到第3集放弃了。还是评我印象中的第九

Su3苏三 • 强弱分明

这一季强弱分明 从一开始就显示了两强相争 Hippies太逗了 没想到居然去过Harvard和St

Munichimicki • 大嗓门姐妹花SB到不行:雷人一览

真是没见到过比这俩人更SB的人。 又蠢,又好尖叫,偏爱莫名其妙、随时随地、高分贝地尖叫,我戴着耳塞听

Munichimicki • OMG I love the Hippies!!!!!!!!!!!!(Tyler more)

哦god天又亮了....! ........ 在Macbook的小屏幕上一夜没睡终于欣喜欣喜欣喜

吮指原味 • The Hippies, well-done!

I learned a lot from the Hippies, and from the cyc