I watched it in a film festival a couple of years ago.

The movie is based on a short essay written by a not-so-good-at-his-study college freshman who's good at chasing gals.

It is backgrounded on the late 1960s "Make Love, No War" period in America, where to revolt has become a fashion.

Watching this film could make you a non-status-quoist, perhaps an anti-institutionalist.

草莓声明The Strawberry Statement(1970)

又名:烈火暴潮 / 草莓宣言


主演:布鲁斯·戴维森 Bruce Davison/金·达比 Kim Darby/巴德·库特 Bud Cort

导演:斯图尔特·哈格曼 Stuart Hagmann编剧:伊斯雷尔·霍洛维茨 Israel Horovitz/James Kunen
