B:You did it.You killed Melanie and kept your jacket on her body.I saw it,Matthew.The police showed me the pictures.
M:You were not there.And you don't know what happened.
B:Oh god.
M:Caleb hurt her and Melanie threatened to bring us all done because of that.
B:So your solution was to make your brother believe he murdered the girl.And make me think it.
M:What other choice did I have?I know you wouldn't hand Caled over to the police.I knew that you would protect him.
B:I would have protected you.
M:Well,I really couldn't count on that.
M:You don't love me as much as you love Caled.You never have.
B:Perhaps.But it's because he needed me more.You are always going to find love in the world.Don't you understand?He was only ever going to get love from me.
M:You know,I know you believe that.That's why I tried so hard to forgive you.And who knows?Maybe one day I will.
(Matthew takes the money and walks out.Betty picks up the phone and dials 911.)
Operator:What is your emergency.
B:I need the police.

绝望主妇 第二季Desperate Housewives(2005)

又名:欲乱绝情妻 第二季 / 靓太唔易做(港) 第二季 / 欲望师奶 第二季 / 绝望的主妇 第二季

主演:玛西亚·克劳斯 / 菲丽西提·霍夫曼 / 特丽·哈彻 / 伊娃·朗格利亚 / 


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