
vaka • 石玫瑰再临:摘记

【A clear horizon, nothing to worry about on your plate. Only things that are creative and not destructive. That’s within yourself, within me I can’t bear quarreling I can’t bare feelings between people. I think hatred is wasted energy. It’s all nonproductive. I’m very sensitive. A sharp word said by say a person who has a temper if they’re close to me hurts me for days. I know we’re only human, we do go in for these various emotions, call them negative emotions, but when all these are removed and you can look forward and the road is clear ahead and now you’re going to create something. I think that’s as happy as I would ever want to be."】

1984 伦敦月光俱乐部 首场演唱会 pete townshend现身
1985 曼彻斯特 花展仓库派对


1986 与经理不合,吉他手andy couzens出走
1987 贝斯手pete garner出走
1987.10 贝斯手mani加入,此前因摩托和ian结识
1989.3.20 首专发行前采访




2012.5.23 沃林顿帕尔音乐厅免费演出 用周边换入场手环 liam现身 1100人
巴塞罗那 2500人
里昂 4000人 坎通纳现身
阿姆斯特丹 5500人 encore环节reni走人 监听问题

1993.6 第二张专辑让乐队崩盘 与silvertone的矛盾,组建家庭分散精力
枪花经理doug goldstein卷入,reni和ian大吵后退出

1995.5 美国亚特兰大 mid-town music festival

【camera and recorder within range and limits can photograph and record without seletion and distortion from a point of zero interference,the camera achieves a nirvana of uncritical acceptance,it rejects nothing,it clings to nothing,it fears nothing,it desires nothing,it hates nothing,it loves nothing.camare and record are crued models of your own built-in equipment,you have all the screens you can fill and all the projectors you need,so turn the zero camera on yourself.action camera,right in the middle of the middle screen】

Manchester 希顿公园 75000

石玫瑰再临The Stone Roses: Made of Stone(2013)

又名:石玫瑰再临(港) / 石玫瑰:传奇再临(台) / 麦丽素之恋 / 矿石绝恋 / 玫瑰生于石


主演:西恩·迈德斯 / 伊安·布朗 / The Stone Roses / 曼尼 / 约翰·斯奎尔 / Reni / 埃里克·坎通纳 / 利亚姆·加拉格尔 / 

导演:西恩·迈德斯 /