“Each EP is researched to ensure it's as close to reality as it can be.”
“In the original texts,Holmes is often testing his own theories with various experiments.The exploding tennis balls were a nod to that.”(为什么我先想起雷神桥......)
“雕虫小技”剧名的来由:Elementary, my dear Watson definition
A phrase often attributed to Sherlock Holmes, the English detective in the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Holmes supposedly says this to his amazed companion, Dr. Watson, as he explains his reasoning in solving a crime. Though these precise words are never used in the Holmes stories, something like them appears in the story “The Crooked Man”: “‘Excellent!’ I [Watson] cried. ‘Elementary,’ said he.”
“(采访)[概述]Doherty and Beverly sat down with us at a roundtable interview to talk about their unusual twist on the character of Dr. Watson, why it was important to remain true to the spirit of the original relationship between Holmes and Watson rather than pursue any romantic entanglement, and how the characters’ unique friendship will be an integral part of the show as much as the mysteries they investigate each week. They also discussed their reluctance to introduce additional characters right away in order to develop the main characters and give the audience some time to find the show. Finally, they talked about what Jonny Lee Miller brings to the lead role and addressed comparisons that have been drawn between their new show and the BBC’s highly successful Sherlock.
[几个问题]某法国记者:法国剧迷关注你们是否会从bbc剧中借鉴元素。可否谈谈对魔法特和bbc sherlock的看法。
The Format: Like the majority of procedural dramas on CBS, “Elementary” will tackle a case per week, instead of being a continuing drama. So whatever the case Holmes becomes involved in at the top of the hour, it will be solved by the end. “Unlocking the mystery of this show, I think, is a personal journey, as well as a professional one — the mystery of who Sherlock is and the mystery of who Joan Watson is,” Beverly says. “That is a very much serialized element to this show, whether it is her family, or his father or brother, whoever, I think those are the kinds of stories that will complement the contained elements of the storytelling.”
“Elementary”‘s Take on Sherlock Holmes: In “Elementary,” Sherlock Holmes is an addictive personality, but his addiction is not just to 药物, but also to solving puzzles.

He wants to do the right thing, to help people. At the end of the day, he believes in justice. So for him, it’s not just about putting bad guys behind bars, but helping people and doing the right thing are factors that play into it as well.
“I’ve always described him as someone for whom the world and life came quite easily because he could see so many things. He could take things down to their simplest elements, and it makes not just investigation relatively simple but, sort of, living your life and navigating this world. But, obviously, something happened. To his great surprise, the world is not as easy as he thought. Something terrible happened to him in London and he spiraled out of control. Our Sherlock has emerged with what, I think, is at his core just a tiny kernel of self doubt where one previously never existed. It’s not something we are going to speak to very often, but I think it’s one of the things that drives him.”
Homages to the Original: The producers plan to plant little “Easter eggs” to delight true fans of Sherlock Holmes with things only a fan would notice without making a more casual viewer feel excluded from the story. They are also not planning to modernize the original stories, written by Arthur Conan Doyle, especially since the change in locale would make some of it impossible. “That said, if something really stood out, if somebody really had a take on something, that we felt we could modernize, [we might do it],” Doherty says. “For example, ‘Hounds of the Baskervilles’ is especially difficult given it is about a guy who paints a dog in phosphorescent paint. It is hard to do in New York City in 2012. But again, we would like to have little tips of our caps to fans who really know the material, who know the names, who know the streets … little bits and pieces of the original mythology.”
如果你了解那些冒险故事中的人物的名字,知道那些街道的名字,那么你看我们的剧集时,会乐趣倍增。 ”



"For me, [romance is] completely off the table," Rob Doherty told TVLine. "It's just not in my head for season one and, looking ahead… I just don't feel like that's a part of the show."

Doherty joked: "The original Holmes, to the best of my knowledge, never slept with Watson."

"People will ask us [about their relationship] every week, and there will be people who want to see it happen," he acknowledged.

"I don't want to break any hearts but it's just not in our plans. And I have felt
no pressure [from the network] to pursue that kind of storyline."”
嘉楠7378: 目前来说值得看下去。这个剧强大的收视率成为了某种很有趣的警示。
楼下的流浪猫: 回复 嘉楠7378 :警示?
嘉楠7378: 回复 楼下的流浪猫 : 也就是说,那些以华生变性(或诸如此类的低级说辞)认定这个剧一定没人看的NC粉们打了自己一个响亮的耳光。
楼下的流浪猫: 回复 嘉楠7378 :嗯嗯~”
“Jonny Lee Miller, Elementary As if taking on the nearly legendary character of Sherlock Holmes weren't challenging enough, Miller also had the unenviable task of distinguishing his Holmes from his pal Benedict Cumberbatch's acclaimed version on the BBC's Sherlock. Fortunately, Miller brought his own dash of wounded brilliance to the role of the recovering addict P.I. who is alternately intriguing, charming and maddening. Also kudos on delicately balancing the chemistry with Watson, interpreted as a female sober companion by Lucy Liu, by bringing a zingy repartee without crossing over into the romantic. ”
“嘉楠7378: 回复 黑冰激凌windy :外型上有点奇怪,因为米勒如果西装领带也是很帅的。这个剧的人设是故意把他搞成落魄民工样,衣服皱巴巴,然后衬衫和T恤也比较邋遢。不知用意在哪里,也许要符合一个瘾君子的形象,然后把只喜欢看外貌的脑残粉一脚踢开。 ”
“‘可是真正需要你找的是夹杂在里面的一张被剪子剪成一些小洞的《泰晤士报》。这里有一份《泰晤士报》,就是这一篇。你很容易认出它来,你认得出来吗?’ ——又是猎犬里的
只是福迷而已: 那些说这剧集和福尔摩斯无关的脑残们可以歇歇了
只是福迷而已: 前面几集看的很不认真,没有刻意找,这一集才这么点儿功夫就找到了这么多致敬点,编剧果然是福迷。
嘉楠7378: 回复 只是福迷而已 :恩,所以这剧叫好又叫座不是没有道理的 ”

福尔摩斯:基本演绎法 第一季Elementary(2012)


主演:约翰·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller/刘玉玲 Lucy Liu/艾丹·奎因 Aidan Quinn/Jon Michael Hill/娜塔莉·多默尔 Natalie Dormer

导演:迈克尔·科斯塔 Michael Cuesta编剧:罗伯特·多尔蒂 Robert Doherty/阿瑟·柯南·道尔 Arthur Conan Doyle

福尔摩斯:基本演绎法 第一季相关影评