野恋情挑The Praying Mantis(2003)



主演:Lou Broclain Yann Chely Sasa Nikolic 

导演:Marc Levie / 


Plot Summary:While driving through the south of Belgium, the violoncellist Julien meets the mysterious and gorgeous Sylvia on the road and he immediately has a crush on her. They move together to his huge house and Julien builds a greenhouse for Sylvia in the field of his real state, where becomes her favorite place. One day, Sylvia has a strange behavior with Julien and asks him to stay alone at home. When Julien leaves the house, she goes to a construction nearby her property and brings to her house the daredevil biker Patrick that is working in the building, playing erotic games with him. When Julien returns home, he surprises the couple having sex and the upset Julien leaves the place, going to the house of his friend and also musician Jean. But Julien is consumed by his passion for Sylvia, and when she tells him that she loves him, he understands her predatory need of life force of her mate.
席薇亚与音乐家朱利安,住在法国南部平凡宁静的小镇,当丈夫出外演奏时,美丽动人的妻子则留在家中照顾温室里的花草。然而,今夏这一波热浪气温创下新高,      有一股力量正在席薇亚的体内窜流,有如母螳螂般逼她必须残杀伴侣才得以存活。      当席薇亚的本能逐渐失控,为了寄望能与丈夫白头偕老,她只好另觅牺牲者,放荡不羁的浪子派屈克攀墙造访,首先成为她「不请自来」的猎物,无法逃过她的挑逗      或贪婪她的肉体狂欢,野地中的野恋,夏日飘雪令人惊叹称羡,暗藏的致命杀机正一步一步向他逼近......


sleepy Mia
sleepy Mia • 法版聊斋


水水 • 比利时的聊斋

导演馬克李維(Marc Levie),1939出生於比利時,大學畢業後曾是電子公司的工程師,也曾經擔

Quentin • 情之深,欲之切


午休在别处 • 合掌螳螂

电影的正式中文译名是"野恋情挑",但我更喜欢直译,所以擅作主张把电影英文名称"the praying