
[已注销] • 寻人:key words

double consciousness
subjective fragmentation

but only if we
as readers intervene.

hyphenate identity
The hyphen,
while yoking two terms together on the page, emphasizes the inadequacy of either
term; furthermore, as the hyphen strains to hold the terms together and apart, it
denies the creation of a stable third term in the space between the two.

The gap between theorizing a hyphen and trying to live a hyphen is another
way of describing the critique which is also complicitous, which purveys as it challenges.

a sense of contingency

rote response

But while ChanI s
Missingm ayc ritiquef ixedn otionso f identityi,t mustb e emphasizedth atm anyo f
the discoursesw hichs urroundedth e film, discoursesw hichc ontextualizeidt s positioni
n the marketplacep, lacedi t firmlyw ithina discoursew hicho perateda s if
hyphenatei dentitiesw ere indeed fixed. These discourseso f the popularm edia
placeW ayneW ang'sfi lmsb etweent he constructedp oleso f "AsianA mericana"n d
"mainstreamA merican"fi lm marketsH. owevera, closerl ook at the production,
marketinga, nd receptiono f Wang'sf ilms revealst hat he has movedf reelyb etween
those poles, often bridgingi ndependenta nd Hollywoodp roductiona, rthouse
and mainstreamth eaters,A siana ndw hite audiences.

Gene Siskel and
Roger Ebert


寻人Chan Is Missing(1982)



主演:王正方 Wood Moy Marc Hayashi Laureen Chew 
