
hoekio • 蘑菇:Chatrak观后感


作为成熟的艺术导演Vimukthi Jayasundara的作品, 这部电影从开始到结束我看了所有画面,听到了声音。没在影院看,但算作为观众试图去接受了所有他想要传达信息的媒介。 然而这部电影并不适合我这样的观众。这部电影有类似纪录片的拍摄片段,建筑工人对着镜头像是实际接受采访。影片当地寻常的样子在影片中不断的提及。 公车上表演乞讨的小女孩,走在路上被几个小孩子围攻的大人,移动于市井间的佛像等。斯里兰卡的导演在印度拍摄,这也是他作为外国人捕捉到的模样。太自然的拍摄,即使故事线简单,却也让我这样的观众失去注意力。

后来实际见到导演,他的说话方式和这部电影很相似。 有人向他提问,但他不直接回答问题,这些问题最终也只是一个给他灵感继续讲下去的“砖块”罢了。他好像是只想要呈现自己的感受。我有问他从观众那里期待的是什么。Vimukthi导演说是钱。可能他回答得太快了吧,毕竟如果是钱,CHATRAK《菌类生命》的呈现方式又怎么能赢得更多的钱。


CHATRAK starts from the living scenes in the forest. Backing to the city and live with brother makes the conflict of the film. As the old brother send him back to the forest, the story drawing to a close. The old brother who stays in the city suicides in the end.

As a work from an established art house director Vimukthi Jayasundara, I watched every shot of this film from the beginning to the end. I heard all the sound. Even I didn't watch it in the cinema, as an audience, I tried to get all the information through what he wants to say with the media. Unfortunately, this film doesn't suit an audience like me. There are shots like a documentary. The building workers look at the camera and talk like an interview. The usual local moments are always shown intentionally in the film. There is a little girl who performed in a bus to beg, a man walking on the road but being surrounded by several kids and a Buddha being moved on a crowded street. These are all naturally expressed shots but it also loses audiences like me even the story has an understandable storyline.

Later when we met the director Vimukthi, I found that the way he speaks is quite similar to this film. Someone asks him a question, he doesn't answer the question directly, those questions are only baits for him to continue sharing his opinions. I asked him what did he expect from the audience, he said it's money. I'm not sure if he answered fast. If it's money, how can the way that Chatrak express get more money?

In fact, all of these are not important. No matter what kind of film it is, I guess it can always find the audience on the same channel. Director Vimukthi seems satisfied with this work, then that's enough.


又名:梦醒加尔各答(台) / 菌类生命 / Mushrooms


主演:Paoli Dam / Tómas Lemarquis / 

导演:维木希·加亚桑达拉 / 
