If you want something, you have to work hard for that patiently, then what you wanted might come true though all the sweat, the tear and the pain finally. It is doing a lot all the long way rather than just thinking or trying little once.
The heroine, an plain but extrovert girl, had a crush on the hero, a famous basketball player serving in the NETS, and she ever had the opportunity actually, but her cusin, who has a good look and does want to marry a rich guy, took advantage of that in advance. Then, all the heroine can do was going away and trying to forget him.
However, life was interesting. The hero got hurt at the knee badly and maybe cant play the basketball anymore and the good looking cousin went away because she cant bear the boring life without press lights. At this moment, the heroine came to help the hero to get recovered. With all of her professional efforts, physically and mentally, the hero finally made it and came back to the field again.
Of course, they are together finally. That funny, smart and attractive girl finally had her Mr. right after doing a lot for him and waiting for a long time. For the hero, she is the Ms. right rather than the wright only.
Life is not a game. You have to work hard a long long time and after that what you want might come true.

抚爱伤痛Just Wright(2010)


主演:Queen Latifah/Common

导演:Sanaa Hamri编剧:Michael Elliot