头条大新闻Switching Channels(1988)

又名:冤家三文治 / 再续前缘 / 头条新闻


主演:Kathleen Turner Burt Reynolds Christopher Reeve 

导演:特德·科特切夫 / 编剧:本 赫特 (Ben Hecht)/查尔斯 迈克阿瑟 (Charles MacArthur)/乔纳森 雷诺兹 (Jonathan Reynolds)


Plot Summary:Sully is the producer of a cable news network program. Christy is his ex-wife and best reporter. Her desire to quit the news business and marry Blaine, a sporting goods manufacturer comes as an innocent man is about to be executed. Sully's attempts to keep her in town and break up her upcoming marriage happen against the backdrop of a botched execution, a prison break and a possible pardon.


Ouyang k
Ouyang k • 子題

1.新聞同業之間的競爭 2.政客對新聞報導的干預 3.新聞從業人員的苦與樂 4.新聞與事件客觀真實性