


You won't admitt love me,
and so how am I ever to know, you always tell me, perhaps,perhaps,perhaps.


Susan:man and toliet- the love that dare not speak its name. what's that about.

We are man, throughout history we have always needed, in times of difficulty to retreat to our caves.
It so happens in theis modern age that our caves a fully plumped.
The toliet for us, is the last bastion, the final refuge,the last few square feet of man-space lefe for us!
Somewhere to sit, something to read, something to do, and who gives a damn about the smell?
Because that for us, is happiness. Because we are man, we are different, we have only one word for "soap", we do not own candles, we have never seen anything of any value in the craft shop.
We do not own magazines full of photographs of celebrities with all their clothes on! (这是你们的心声啊心声~~)
When we have conversations, we actually take it in turns to talk! But we have not yet reached that level of earth-shattering boardom and imhuman dispair where we'd have a haircut recreationally.
We don't know how to get excited about REALLY, REALLY boring things, like ornaments, bath oil, the countryside, vases, small churches.
I mean, we do not even know what in the name of god's ass is the purpose of the potpourri! looks like breadfast, smell like your auntie!
Why do we need that? so please-in this strange and frightening world, allow us one last place to call our own, this toliet, this blessed pot, this fortress of solitude. you girls, you may go to the bathroom in groups of two or more, yet we do not pass comment, we do not make judgement, that is your choice.
But we men will always walk the toliet mile alone!

对白二:在Sally对Patrick意外的表白后 Patrick表示要和她说清楚


Sally:Patrick. (环顾四周,因为地点是他们6个人经常聚在一起喝酒的酒吧,但是现在一个人都没有)private function?

Patrick: yeah, there's something later.

Sally: oh, so that's not us, then.

Patrick: no, no. definitely not us. are the most wonderful woman in the history of the entire universe. you're incredible, you've got the looks of a miss world with the brains to match. you're more than a woman, you are like a, you could be a bloke anytime you want, obviously a bloke with some pretty serious defects, but who cares about that. I've seen you down drinks with best of them. I wish I had a mother like you, or a grandmother, or any kind of ...... ancestor. and since you said what you said (回放下,前一集Sally脱口而出, I'm mad of Patrick.......) I've had a lot time to think, but obviously that is not always possible, nontheless i have been able to consider your.....application, and....and this is the point, this is the important point.

Sally, you need someone good enough for you,(Sally开始忍着眼泪猛点头,她觉得已经被拒绝了,然后我也开始含着眼泪打滚 ><)
you don't want some mutton-head city boy, who spends all his time thinking about their cars and his golf clubs. you want someone who can love you the way you deserve to be loved, the way I want you to be loved. Sally, you need someone who will love you forever...properly.

You are my friend, Sally, and I want to see you with the best, you need mr.amazing, mr.incredibly, superbly...fantastickness. and in your heart, I'm sure you know I'm right.

Sally: I don't want mr. superbly, incredibly fantastickness, you stupit, stupid ass!!! I WANT YOU!!!

Patrick:oh, for god's sake, Sally.....

Sally: What? What?!

Patrick:I WAS TALKING ABOUT ME! (气氛瞬间破坏)

接下去就是Steve和Jeff滚出来跳那个什么spider man的诡异舞蹈 笑惨了我

if you can't make you mind up, we'll never get started,
and I don't want to wind up, being aparted, brokenhearted..
so if you really love me, say yes, and please don't tell me,
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.


冤家成双对 第三季Coupling(2002)

又名:冤家对对碰 第三季 / 欢喜冤家 第三季 / 靠谱恋爱 第三季

主演:杰克·达文波特 Jack Davenport/吉娜·贝尔曼 Gina Bellman/莎拉·亚历山大 Sarah Alexander/Kate Isitt/本·迈尔斯 Ben Miles/理查德·柯伊尔 Richard Coyle

导演:Martin Dennis编剧:史蒂文·莫法特 Steven Moffat