



Plot Summary:A major two-part series that tells the inside story of one of the most powerful and controversial media moguls on the planet. Friends, rivals, colleagues past and present - and the odd former Prime Minister - reveal how Rupert Murdoch built his global empire, starting with a single newspaper in 1950s Australia. The series explores his ruthless expansion and deal-making; the billions he made - and lost; the reputations he built - and destroyed, in his never-ending quest to become the undisputed king of newspapers, Hollywood films and global television. A light is also cast on Murdoch, the private man - relationships, marriages, king-making, strengths and very human flaws - and most recently his struggle to redeem himself and his company after the phone hacking scandal that tore through the heart of his empire. Love, scandal, money and reputation: his own life story is one his journalists would be proud of.


辣辣莉 • 默多克,他骨子里就是要改变世界

默多克是乘着时代东风的革命资本家,不墨守成规,大胆挑战,改变规则。 默多克和邓文迪属于同类人。 妖魔