BTW,有谁知道为什么标题用了Homme 而不是 Home吗?

HOMME LESS is about the underbelly of the American Dream, the hidden backyard of our society. Mark’s life stands as a metaphor for the struggle of the vanishing middle class in America. But it’s also a film about the relationship between New York City and one of its residents. New York is not simply a beautiful backdrop for this story. She’s the antagonist that dictates the direction M’s life is going in. The joy and pain, the love and hate, the success and denial New York is teasing him with, the hardship he is going through in order to stay in her grace and the inventiveness he comes up with to be with her are all unique.
HOMME LESS是一部讲述美国梦之中不完美的片子,一部关于我们这个社会隐秘之处的片子。Mark的人生某种程度上是作为美国的衰落中产阶级奋力拼搏的一个隐喻。
Mark walks the streets of Manhattan looking like a millionaire, wearing designer suits and expensive leather shoes. He seems to be well off, and works in the prestigious fashion and movie business. He is eloquent, charming and good looking, and obviously has a lot going for him. But while during the day he pursues a ‘normal’ life, late at night he goes to a place where the American Dream has turned into a nightmare.
HOMME LESS captures a raw and unfiltered moment in time, our time. Like its title HOMME LESS has different layers and raises the question of how far are we from losing everything, even our homes, and with it a part of our dignity and humanity? How often do we have to pretend that everything is in fine order to keep up the facade of being a well-off member of society? And how far are we prepared to go to take the financial pressure off our shoulders to live a more carefree live, the live that we want to live?
HOMME LESS捕捉到生活中那粗犷的、不经甄选的画面,来自于我们这时代的画面。就像它有多层含义的标题一样,(这部电影)启发我们思考这些问题:
What went wrong in Mark’s life? How is he able to keep up his facade of success and fool everyone? What keeps him from going under? What motivates him to put up with this rather unthinkable situation? What were and are his hopes and desires in life?
Mark stands lost and alone in the midst of eight million dreams, balanced between the glamorous surfaces of this vibrant and inspiring city and its far from glamorous hidden backyard. He is the Homme Less.
Mark在无穷的美国梦中显得有些怅然若失,他在这座魅力之都(请脑奏《滑板鞋》)的光鲜表面和那远非光鲜可比的“黑暗后院”间不断平衡。他,就叫Homme Less。

流浪型男摄影师Homme Less(2014)



主演:Mark Reay

导演:Thomas Wirthenson编剧:Thomas Wirthenson