
Harrison • 人生七年3:Scripts


Something I did slightly object to in the program was we were shown at the age of seven outlining the academic career that most of did. In fact, pursue each sentence ended up "John is at Westminster", "Andrew is at Charterhouse" and everything implied that we just sailed through. Merely manifesting an intention at the age of seven, we didn't show the sleepless nights, the pouring over our books, sorts of, you know, all the sweat and toil that got us through to university, it was presented as if was just part of some indestructible birth right that we went to all these places. And I thought that was unfair, they didn't show us having to do beastly jobs in the holidays, you know, to make ends and things. It didn't give a very real sort of impression.

Very few parents I think, bring up their children with the intention of belittling them or doing as little for them as possible. You have to assume that most parents to as much as they can given the circumstances of the children, and obviously things could’ve been far worse.

- I suppose all the seven year old, the original ones, you're the big success.

- I am not inclined to accept that.

- Why? You wouldn't agree with that?

- Well what have I achieved? I am not really prepared to accept that I haven't done anything very special yet. I'd like to think that, I mean I'm hoping that I might do at some stage but I don't really think I've done anything that you can call a great success. It would seem really ridiculous to any of my friends who watch this if I said " Christ aren't I a great success, look at me." Well what, you know, what success? I can't think of those terms. I haven't done everything that can be called success, nothing out of the ordinary really.


- Don't you think you're going to regret not having education?

-Where does that come into it? It doesn't come into it in my mind. Education is just a thing to say "my son is higher than him" or "my son had a better background than him", I mean I'm as good or even better than most of them people especially on this program. I mean, on one of the trailers you will think oh the Eastend boy and he ain't got a no good education but all of a sudden the Eastend boy's got a car and a motorbike he goes to Spain every year and whatever. And have I worked for it? No I'm here putting bets on and you think "how does he do it?"and there's a boy, who's he? and whatever. He's study to be a professor, he's making up things, they're mainly education, there is no education in this world. It's just one big rat race and you've got to kill your man next to you to get in front of him.

- What do you think about trade unions and things like that?

- I don't under know, I don't, I don't know enough to know about them if you understand me, I mean I'm not a politician so let them worry about that what's coming for the next day. All I understand is dogs, prices, girls, knowledge, roads, streets, squares an mum and dad and love. That's all I understand and that's all I want to understand.

人生七年321 Up(1977)

又名:人生七载之当我二十一 / 21岁起 / 人生七年第三季


主演:Bruce Balden / Jacqueline Bassett / Symon Basterfield / Andrew Brackfield / John Brisby / 

导演:迈克尔·艾普特 /