
主演:黑木美沙 中村俊介 田丸麻纪 柏原收史 

导演:村本天志 / 


Plot Summary:Six people who had attended university together many years ago gather to enjoy a small reunion at a large mansion in the countryside. However one member, Fushimi Ryousuke, has an additional secret motive for attending this reunion. He must kill one of his classmates and he must do it this weekend. Taking into account the various features of the mansion, Fushimi comes up with a perfect plan that will ensure everything he desires. The unexpected arrival of Usui Yuuka, an underclassmen who had a crush on him in college, is just a small wrinkle that he will have no problem dealing with. Or so he tells himself.
大学时代,碓冰优佳(黑木明纱 饰)、伏见亮辅(中村俊介 饰)、大仓礼子(田丸麻紀 饰)、石丸孝平(柏原収史 饰)、安东章吾(和田聰宏 饰)与上田五月(国分佐智子 饰)等六个人是同属轻音部的好友,加上他们对酒精格外热爱,所以常常凑在一起把盏言欢,因此被部团其他成员成为“酒精中毒分会”。当然还有一个共同点是,他们均为捐赠器官的志愿者。毕业后多年,一经提议,几个伙伴重新聚首召开校友会。可是在聚会上,伏见设计杀害了关系不错的学弟新山和宏(山崎樹範 饰),并且在密室中精心伪装出自杀的假象。当所有人都在猜测死者死因时,只有优佳看出其中的蹊跷……   本片根据石持浅海的同名推理小说改编。


教授 • 导演差,剧本差,演员差的三差电影

一个片子能烂到什么程度?这部电影就给了我们最好的示例。   本片原作是石持浅海的《紧闭的门》,照理

LOLO • 这是正义吗
