爱你的父亲Aime ton père(2002)


主演:热拉尔·德帕迪约 吉约姆·德帕迪约 西尔维·泰斯蒂 朱利安·波义塞利尔 Noémie Kocher 西娅姆·阿巴斯 Frédéric Polier Pierre-Alexandre Crevaux Pippa Schallier Johanna Mohs 雅克·弗朗茨 Sten Eirik Karina Aktouf Roberto Bestazzoni Manuela Biedermann Martin Forsström 斯特凡·科慕斯 Johan Paulsen 曼努尔·泰德罗斯 理查德·乌夫塞特 Gregory Terlecki 

导演:雅各布伯杰 / 编剧:Pascal Barollier/Jacob Berger/Ed Radtke


Plot Summary:Writer Léo Shepherd lives in rural France together with his daughter Virginia, who manages his affairs. One day Virginia gets a call from the Swedish Academy. Léo has won the Nobel Prize for Literature. His estranged son Paul tries desperately to contact him, but is denied every time by his sister. When Léo starts traveling to the ceremony in Stockholm by motor bike, Paul decides to follow him and try to speak to him. Clearly Léo doesn't want to be followed, starts speeding and gets involved in a accident, but isn't badly hurt. The police confuse another motorist for Shepherd and announce his death. Paul, driven by his childhood experiences, decides to kidnap his father.


apple • 爸爸不爱我怎么办?


不吭声 • 石头和老鹰
